Iroquois-Kankakee ROE - Appendix Z

Illinois Department of Human Services
Bureau of Youth Intervention Services

Teen REACH Policy & Procedure Manual

9.0 - Appendices & Forms

Revised Date:  July 2013

The Iroquois-Kankakee (I-KAN) ROE Teen REACH Policy and Procedure Manual provides examples of agency policies and the correct procedures to implement the Teen REACH Program.  Below is a list of topics the manual covers.

Policy Topics: 

  1. Anti-Bullying Policy
  2. Asthma Policy
  3. Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Policy
  4. Competence of Program Personnel Policy
  5. Complaints/Grievances
  6. Confidentiality of Information Policy
  7. eCornerstone Policy
  8. Emergency Contacts Policy
  9. Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
  10. Family Communication
  11. Fiscal Management
  12. Hand Washing Policy
  13. Head Lice Policy
  14. Injury Policy
  15. Intake & Termination Procedures
  16. Internet Blocking Software
  17. Inventory Tracking
  18. Liability Insurance
  19. Medication Administration Policy
  20. New Staff Orientation Policy
  21. Employee - Receipt of Documents Form
  22. Parental Consent for Participation
  23. Positive Discipline & Conflict Resolution Policy
  24. Program Compliance (Sub-Contractors)
  25. Program Evaluation
  26. Recruitment Strategy Policy
  27. Retention & Destruction of Teen REACH Records/Documents
  28. Screening & Background Checks
  29. Sick Child Policy
  30. Sign-in and Sign-out Policy
  31. Snacks and Nutrition
  32. Staff Communication
  33. Staff Supervision Arrival/Departure of Participants
  34. Staff Training
  35. Transportation
  36. Parental Consent for Transportation
  37. Volunteers

Links & Resources

Program administration and reporting forms, individual file forms, and general program information and resources, are available by calling the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services, Teen REACH at (217) 557-2109 and/or on the DHS Website at