Policy Memo: Express Stamps Demonstration Project Expansion

Policy Memo: Express Stamps Demonstration Project Expansion


  • Express Stamps is a Federal Food Stamp demonstration project that began in DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will Counties on 10/23/06.
  • The Food and Nutrition Service has approved the expansion of Express Stamps to two pantries in Cook County starting 07/20/09.
  • Replaces the Policy Memorandum dated 10/20/06, titled Express Stamps Demonstration Project.
  • Persons visiting selected food pantries for emergency food will be able to apply for Express Stamps at the food pantry using a web-based application.
  • The only verification needed is identity.
  • Persons eligible for Express Stamps will leave the pantry with their emergency food supply and a Link card to access their benefits.
  • One or two months of food stamp benefits, based on the date of application will be issued to applicants who are eligible for Express Stamps Benefits.
  • FCRC staff are responsible for: issuing PIN Packs to approved Express Stamps cases; processing applications for persons who reapply for the regular Food Stamp program; and processing any appeals of Express Stamps approvals or denials.
  • Express Stamps applications appear in "Case Worker Tools" to help in processing PIN Packs for Express Stamps approvals.
  • TA 11, TAR 27 is used for the first month's benefits and TA 56, TAR 06 for the second month's benefits for approved Express Stamps cases.