Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention
Thursday, July 24, 2008
10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Crowne Plaza - Springfield, Illinois
Note: X = IICEI Members In Attendance.
- Diane Blythe, parent, Crystal Lake
- Gerri Clark, Division of Specialized Care for Children X
- Sheena Coleman, parent, Naperville
- Bob Cammarata, ICG Health Care Services X
- Andria Goss, IL Department of Children and Family Services
- Janet Gully, DHS, Bureau of Early Intervention X
- Representative Julie Hamos
- Kay Henderson, IL State Board of Education
- Patty Kimmel for Deborah Saunders, IL Dept of Healthcare and Family Services X
- Beatrice Nichols, IICEI Chairperson, Head Start X
- Mary Peterson, DFPR, Division of Insurance
- Karrie Potter, parent, Neoga X
- Deanna Pratscher, parent, Thonton X
- Dorelia Rivera-Martinez, Melrose Park
- David Rubovits, PhD, Jewish Child and Family Services X
- Sandy Ryan, IL Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Linda Saterfield, DHS, Bureau of Child Care and Development
- Kathy Schrock, Easter Seals DuPage and Fox Valley X
- Connie Sims, DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities X
- Joyce Smith, Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House
- Myrtis Sullivan, DHS, Division of Community Health and Prevention
- Gail Tanner, AuD, IL Department of Public Health X
- Therese Wehman, PhD, Elmhurst College
- Constance Williams, PhD, DHS, Division of Mental Health
Contents of Council Packet
- Agenda
- Lead Agency Report - July 24, 2008
- Draft Council Report for April 10, 2008
- Finance Work Group reports
- Service Delay Work Group reports
- Transition Work Group reports
I. Call to Order
Beatrice Nichols, IICEI Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m.
II. Introduction of Council Members
Council members introduced themselves. A motion was made by Kathy Schrock and seconded by Bob Cammarata to approve the minutes to the April 10, 2008 Council meeting as written. The motion passed.
Beatrice Nichols provided an overview of the Council Retreat that was held in May. Participants reviewed the functions of a board and the Council's vision and mission statement and participated in case studies and role-plays. The Council discussed the possibility of scheduling another retreat to complete long-term planning. It was suggested that the retreat be longer (i.e., 2 days) to allow more opportunities to network. It was also suggested that work on the vision and mission statements be done at the retreat by the Council as a whole, rather than by a smaller group. It was recommended and that visits to a few "EI programs" would be helpful. Janet Gully will try to identify some dates for the group to consider. A different meeting site will be used. Bureau staff were thanked for their participation in the retreat.
III. Work Group Reports
Finance Work Group
Kathy Schrock provided a report from the Finance Work Group, which has met two times since the last council meeting.
- Discussion will continue on support of legislation that would require insurance coverage for EI services. Research is being done on the status of this type of legislation in other states. The Department can assist with this research, but will not be taking an opinion on specific legislation. One suggestion is to have a separate work group consider this legislation. Ms. Gully explained that work groups are focused and time-limited.
- Troy Alim, from the Early Intervention Central Billing Office (CBO) provided an update on work the CBO is doing to offer billing insurance services to EI providers. Six provider training sessions have been held, with 100 participants attending. An overview of this service was provided. About 50 providers are using this service now as part of a targeted rollout, with statewide service by the end of September. Obstacles and lessons learned by other states were shared. Mr. Alim reviewed the expertise of CBO staff that have been hired to provide this service.
- The implementation of an offset process at the CBO was discussed. Department legal staff are helping to finalize plans that will allow the CBO to use portions of future reimbursements to providers to offset amounts owed to the program.
- Other topics briefly touched upon include service delays and the discussion of a primary provider/lead therapists model; appropriate use of make up visits; exceeding the frequency indicated on authorizations; and the need for justifications to increase or decrease services.
Service Delay Work Group
Bob Cammarata provided a report from the Service Delay Work Group, which has met four times since the last council meeting, with an additional subgroup meeting in Rockford.
- The group has talked about targeting CFC areas identified in the annual performance report (APR) as having compliance problems with timely service delivery. Other service delivery models have been considered, including the review of articles found on the professional associations web site and information about what other states have done to get services in place in a timely fashion. Janet Gully suggested that the group keep Ted Burke, Director of the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program, involved in these discussions as they move forward so that training resources are considered. Initial discussions have focused on CFCs 1 and 3, with suggestions based upon the local dynamics of that area. It was suggested that the work group begin working with the professional associations to involve them in this dialogue. The Bureau will assist the work group in getting representation from the associations.
- Jaci Koch, CFC 3 manager, shared information about concerns, challenges, and strategies, including a consultative model, that have been tried in the area served by CFC 3. Limitations to the pool of providers were discussed, along with obstacles to attracting new providers. Other issues included reimbursement for travel time and costs, credential requirements included hours of consultation, and confusion about the credential/enrollment application process.
- Provider shortages, across service delivery systems, were identified as a problem. This is a national issue, not just one for Illinois.
- Outcomes of a survey of CFCs were discussed. These results are included in meeting notes from the Service Delay Work Group.
- Current efforts by Provider Connections and the EI Training Program to work with professional associations were recognized. The suggestion is to strengthen these efforts.
- A work group meeting and a second meeting in Rockford have been scheduled in August. Nyle Robinson identified the "no show" issue and the lack of clear policy to address this issue as problems to address.
- Concerns were expressed be several Council members about proceeding with a consultative model without further discussion. Kathy Schrock was invited to participate with the Service Delay Work Group in these discussions.
Transition Work Group
Deanna Pratscher provided a report from the Transition Work Group, which has met three times since the last council meeting.
- Representatives from Chicago Public Schools and Chicago CFCs attended a work group meeting to discuss difficulties with compliance with Indicator 8 of the state's APR. Strategies were identified to address issues.
- A questionnaire will be sent to CFCs to learn more about family delays in order to consider strategies.
- A monitoring tool has been discuss that will help to evaluate some of the manners in which document failure can be located. Transition requirements may be met but are not always appropriately documented.
- The work group is working on a collaborative document with ideas that have been successful with some CFCs and LICs to share with other CFCs/LICs.
IV. Lead Agency Report
- Janet Gully introduced Brandy Hayes, DHS Transition Specialist. Ms. Hayes will be working with various DHS program on transition issues.
- Ms. Gully reviewed several of the topics in the Lead Agency report. The programs federal grant application was approved, along with $17.5 million from OSEP. Ms. Gully attended an EPSDT summit, in which Deborah Saunders pulled together a number of entities to discuss issues that impact children and families.
- As part of a new organization structure for the Division of Community Health and Prevention, the Bureau of Early Intervention is now part of Reproductive and Early Childhood Services reporting to Dr. Myrtis Sullivan. This change should make additional resources available to the Bureau.
- Early Intervention caseload continues to increase.
V. New Business
Meeting adjourned.