MR #09.12: Voter Registration Procedures

MR #09.12: Voter Registration Procedures


  • Adds a requirement to policy that FCRCs have Illinois Voter Registration Application Forms SBE R-19, available in lobby waiting rooms.
  • Starting 05/18/09, revises the process for New Applications/Voter Registration Application via AIS.
  • Obsoletes Form 3612 and Form 683L.
  • Requires that staff offer assistance in voter registration at eligibility/REDE interviews to those who are present or are interviewed by telephone.
  • Requires that staff offer assistance in voter registration when a customer reports a change of address in person or by telephone.
  • Adds a requirement that FCRC staff issue SBE R-19 Illinois Voter Registration Application when sending an application or redetermination form by mail.
  • Adds new process for customers who contact the DHS Helpline regarding voter registration.
  • Each FCRC must designate an Office Liaison responsible for submittal of applications.
  • Describes procedures to be used if there is no on-site interpreter.