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2008 YouthBuild Annual Report to the General Assembly (pdf)
2008 YouthBuild Annual Report to the General Assembly (HTML Version)
Previous Page: Construction Skills Mastery
Next Page: Community Leadership Development
Personal responsibility and leadership are hard to measure. The performance standards now include one easily measurable leadership development measure: voter registration. Other than this measure, goals would be the following.
Students would:
Additional goals could include ensuring that, if students join a committee or any task force, they would attend reliably and follow through on all commitments.
Thus far these have not been measured because tracking them for each student would place an enormous burden on each program. However, the outcome measures related to attendance, retention, job placement, and educational achievement indirectly measure personal responsibility and group membership; high standards generally cannot be reached in those areas unless personal growth is occurring.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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