Wages at Job Placement

Wage standards are calculated by averaging the wages of all completers who are placed in a job or paying program placement. Wage standards are set against the state minimum wage, for the purposes of ensuring that wages achieved are at least 15 percent above the state minimum wage or the federal minimum wage, whichever is higher. This is a reasonable standard for placement at exit. However, because working full-time at an above-minimum wage job can still produce a poverty-level income, graduate follow-up, career placements, and college education are strongly recommended.

Average wage of completers placed is:

  • Excellent At least 51 percent above the state minimum wage
    Very good 25-50 percent above the state minimum wage
    Satisfactory 15-24 percent above the state minimum wage
    Needing attention Minimum wage to 14 percent above the state minimum wage
    Unacceptable Not applicable: below minimum wage is impossible

See pages 64 and 65 for charts of state minimum wages and the new proposed wage performance standards for each state.