YouthBuild USA Affiliated Network Performance Standards Summary

YouthBuild USA Affiliated Network Performance Standards Summary

Note that the new standards have been designed so that retention times placement must equal at least 50 percent for a program to be at the accreditation level.

When assessing the GED or high school diploma attainment rate for membership reasons, if a program cycle has students with different incoming reading levels, the TABE reading tests levels are averaged and the standard level for that average test level is used.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD Excellent Very Good Satisfactory



Average monthly attendance for all enrolled participants 93-100% 85-92% 80-84% 70-79% Below 70%
Retention of enrollees (completion rates) 82-100% 71-81% 63-70% 50-62% Below 50%
Placement of completers 90-100% 86-89% 79-85% 61-78% Less than 61%
Placement of enrollees 50%
Wage of completers At least 51% above state minimum wage 25-50% above state minimum wage 15-24% above state minimum wage 0-14% above state minimum wage NA (below minimum wage is impossible)
Educational achievement (GED or diploma) of groups entering at 8th grade level or above 76-100% 61-75% 46-60% 30-45% Less than 30%
GED/HSD attainment of students entering between 4th- and 8th-grade levels 65-100% 51-64% 36-50% 26-35% Less than 26%
Leadership development and voter registration of all students eligible to vote 95% will be registered to vote Less than 95% of those eligible will be registered to vote
Educational testing (literacy and numeracy) gains. This will apply to all completers, including those who get their GED or HSD TBD TBD 80% will gain 2 years' levels TBD TBD