11. Program Implementation and Culture

11. Program Implementation and Culture

Required actions

  • 11 A The program's curriculum and classroom experience intentionally integrate service and experiential learning. Deliberate links between the field and classroom are established to maximize student learning. Student time away from the classroom is carefully considered and integrated into academic goals.
  • 11 B The entire program is self-assessed by students, staff, or board at least annually to ensure it meets all the standards.
  • 11 C Programs with rolling admissions admit students in groups of no less than seven to facilitate the integration process.
  • 11 D The tone of a YouthBuild program is one of cooperation, mutual assistance, respect, patience, high expectations, and students helping each other. Relationships are personalized: teachers know students' strengths, interests and needs; students are part of a mini-community and have a close and continuous relationship with one or more adults.
  • 11 E Student-centered celebrations, rituals, and routines intentionally contribute to the creation of a strong positive program climate.
  • 11 F Regular feedback systems are set up so all staff and students are aware at all times of their progress. Each stage is recognized, encouraged, and acknowledged in a systematic way throughout the program.
  • 11 G The program facility offers an environment that is physically healthy and promotes a positive program culture. Walls celebrate student work and communicate the program spirit and culture. Rooms are well lit; value-laden messages such as the YouthBuild pledge are clearly visible.
  • 11 H Students and staff together develop program policies that are consistently applied.
  • 11 I The program embraces a systematic professional development plan for all staff that is resultsoriented, is embedded in the day-to-day work of the program, and provides coaching and effective learning strategies.
  • 11 J All staff are well oriented prior to start-up and trained on positive youth development strategies and basic YouthBuild philosophy. The importance of continuity is reinforced as staff members are asked to make a commitment for at least a complete cycle.
  • 11 K A student handbook is provided. This handbook includes all the information about the program's expectations, practices, rules, and objectives, as well as information on graduation requirements, attendance policies, and program disciplinary policies. In addition, the handbook addresses the impact of wages, stipends, or living allowances on other governmentfunded benefits such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC or EIC), and housing subsidies.
  • 11 L An agreement between the program and each student governs behavior, expectations, and consequences for violating these agreements, as well as a commitment by the program to the students regarding how they will be respected and engaged, and what opportunities will be available to them.
  • 11 M A process is defined for students and interns who are terminated or have a grievance, in case they want a hearing before an appropriate decision-making body.
  • 11 N Programs work toward making a computer available for every full-time staff person.
  • 11 O Programs create strategies to thoughtfully invite the involvement of parents, guardians, and partners in students' education and life plans.
  • 11 P The program helps students obtain state-issued identification cards and other paperwork required to access financial aid, including birth certificates and personal and family tax documents. Programs encourage students to complete tax documents the year prior to applying for college.
  • 11 Q As part of final enrollment, students have a fit-to-work physical.