Human Capital Development Grants – All Funds & GRF

FY10 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Human Capital Development Grants

FY09 Budgeted FY09 Adj. FY09 EOY FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Staff (June 30th) 92.0 63.0 155.0 155.0

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

Description Amount
Reduction from FY09 Headcount Request associated with changes due to Legislative Reductions, Line Item Vetoes, and FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve; Reduction accomplished through attrition and elimination of vacant positions (8.0)
Funding for 71 positions from stimulus funds 71.0

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY09 Approp. FY09 Adj.* FY09 Est. Exp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $28,000.0 $28,000.0 $1,214.5 $29,214.5
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $97,515.0 ($3,217.4) $94,297.6 $4,999.9 $99,297.5
State Transitional Assistance $11,000.0 $11,000.0 $11,000.0
State Family and Children's Assistance $1,339.0 $1,339.0 $1,339.0
Funeral and Burial $9,150.7 $9,150.7 $3,430.5 $12,581.2
Refugee $2,175.7 $2,175.7 ($600.0) $1,575.7
Refugee Social Services $541.0 ($16.7) $524.3 $524.3
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $10,315.3 ($317.7) $9,997.6 $9,997.6
Refugee Resettlement $10,494.8 $10,494.8 $10,494.8
Child Care Services GRF $641,200.5 ($1,891.4) $639,309.1 ($48,392.4) $590,916.7
Child Care Services SPTF $130,611.1 $130,611.1 $130,611.1
Child Care Services SPTF (Stimulus Grant) $74,000.0 $74,000.0
Great Start Program BRF $1,891.4 $1,891.4 $1,891.4
Great Start Program SPTF $5,200.0 $5,200.0 $5,200.0
Migrant Child Care Services $3,142.6 $3,142.6 $3,142.6
Head Start State Collaboration $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Homeless Prevention AHTF $11,000.0 $11,000.0 ($11,000.0)
Homeless Prevention (BRF) $11,000.0 $11,000.0
Supportive Housing Services $3,490.3 ($107.5) $3,382.8 $3,382.8
Emergency Food & Shelter $9,413.9 ($289.9) $9,124.0 $9,124.0
Emergency Food Program (GRF) $253.6 ($7.8) $245.8 $245.8
Food Banks $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Emergency Food Program (SPTF) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Emergency Food Program (SPTF) Stimulus $11,500.0 $11,500.0
Food Stamp Program (SPTF) Stimulus Admin. $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Assistance for Homeless $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Employability Development Service $20,701.8 ($637.6) $20,064.2 $20,064.2
Food Stamp Employment & Training $10,642.2 ($327.8) $10,314.4 $10,314.4
Employment & Training Program $105,955.1 $105,955.1 $105,955.1
Fed/State Employment Program $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Children's Place $752.7 ($23.2) $729.5 $729.5
Crisis Nurseries $487.1 ($15.0) $472.1 $472.1
Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Comm $6,800.0 $6,800.0 $6,800.0
SSBG Emergency Disaster Flood Relief Fund $30,502.5 $30,502.5
Donated Funds Initiative Program $22,328.0 $22,328.0 $22,328.0
Subtotal $1,155,201.8 ($6,852.0) $1,148,349.8 $82,655.0 $1,231,004.8
Total Appropriation $1,155,201.8 $1,148,349.8 $82,655.0 $1,231,004.8

FY09 Adjustments All Funds

Description Amount
All adjustments in FY09 are related to General Revenue Reserves. ($6,852.0)

FY10 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled Increase in Caseloads and Cost Per Case $1,214.5
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Anticipated Increase To TANF Cases $4,999.9
Funeral and Burial Increase in Caseloads and Cost Per Case $3,430.5
Refugee Funded at FY09 original appropriation level ($600.0)
Food Banks Funding for Food Banks $1,000.0
Child Care Defer partial-month liability due to insufficient revenues ($48,392.4)
Child Care Services Child Care Stimulus Funds $74,000.0
Homeless Prevention AHTF Funding shift to FY10 Budget Relief Fund ($11,000.0)
Homeless Prevention (BRF) Funding shift from Affordable Housing Trust Fund $11,000.0
Emergency Food Program (SPTF) Award of Stimulus Funds (1 Headcount) $11,500.0
Food Stamp Program (SPTF) Award of Stimulus Funds for Administrative Costs (70 Headcount) $5,000.0
SSBG Emergency Disaster Flood Relief Fund Award of Federal Funds for Various Flood Disasters in 2008 $30,502.5

FY10 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund 
Human Capital Development Grants

FY09 Budgeted FY09 Adj. FY09 EOY FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Staff (June 30th) 20.0 (8.0) 12.0 12.0

Staff (June 30th) GRF

Description Amount
Reduction from FY09 Headcount Request associated with changes due to Legislative Reductions, Line Item Vetoes, and FY09 General Revenue Fund Reserve; Reduction accomplished through attrition and elimination of vacant positions (8.0)

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY09 Approp. FY09 Adj.* FY09 Est. Exp. FY10 Adj. FY10 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $28,000.0 $28,000.0 $1,214.5 $29,214.5
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $97,515.0 ($3,217.4) $94,297.6 $4,999.9 $99,297.5
State Transitional Assistance $11,000.0 $11,000.0 $11,000.0
State Family and Children's Assistance $1,339.0 $1,339.0 $1,339.0
Funeral and Burial $9,150.7 $9,150.7 $3,430.5 $12,581.2
Refugee $2,175.7 $2,175.7 ($600.0) $1,575.7
Refugee Social Services $541.0 ($16.7) $524.3 $524.3
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $10,315.3 ($317.7) $9,997.6 $9,997.6
Child Care Services GRF $641,200.5 ($1,891.4) $639,309.1 ($48,392.4) $590,916.7
Supportive Housing Services $3,490.3 ($107.5) $3,382.8 $3,382.8
Emergency Food & Shelter $9,413.9 ($289.9) $9,124.0 $9,124.0
Emergency Food Program (GRF) $253.6 ($7.8) $245.8 $245.8
Food Banks $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Employability Development Service $20,701.8 ($637.6) $20,064.2 $20,064.2
Food Stamp Employment & Training $10,642.2 ($327.8) $10,314.4 $10,314.4
Children's Place $752.7 ($23.2) $729.5 $729.5
Crisis Nurseries $487.1 ($15.0) $472.1 $472.1
Subtotal $846,978.8 ($6,852.0) $840,126.8 ($38,347.5) $801,779.3
Total Appropriation $846,978.8 $840,126.8 ($38,347.5) $801,779.3

FY09 Adjustments GRF

Description Amount
All adjustments in FY09 are related to General Revenue Reserves. ($6,852.0)

FY10 Adjustments GRF

Adjustment Description Amount
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled Increase in Caseloads and Cost Per Case $1,214.5
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Anticipated Increase To TANF Cases $4,999.9
Funeral and Burial Increase in Caseloads and Cost Per Case $3,430.5
Refugee Funded at FY09 original appropriation level ($600.0)
Food Banks Funding for Food Banks $1,000.0
Child Care Defer partial-month liability due to insufficient revenues ($48,392.4)