Letter & Certification

Early Intervention
Illinois Annual Performance Report

Part C State Annual Performance Report for (FFY07)
(OMB NO: 1820-0578 / Expiration Date: 12/31/2009)

January 29, 2009

U.S. Department of Education
ATTN: Janet Scire / Mail Stop 2600
7100 Old Landover Road
Landover, MD 20785-1506

Dear Ms. Scire:

Attached is the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) submission of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2007 Early Intervention (Part C) Annual Performance Report (APR), which includes any needed revisions to the State Performance Plan (SPP), in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) amendments of 2004 and 20 U.S.C. 1442.

The FFY2007 APR provides a report on the performance of the state and its 25 Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices for the time period of July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. The FFY2007 APR and updated SPP will be posted the IDHS/Early Intervention web site. They will also be made available through links from the other Early Intervention web sites (i.e., Early Intervention Training Program, Provider Connections, the Early Intervention Credentialing Office, and the Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse). In addition the APR and SPP documents are available for review by the pubic at each of the 25 CFC offices.

If you have any questions on the information presented in this document, please contact Janet Gully, Chief of the Bureau of Early Intervention, at 217/782-1981.

Ivonne Sambolin-Jones, Director
Division of Community Health and Prevention

Annual Report Certification of the
Interagency Coordinating Council 
Under Part C of the  
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Under IDEA Section 641(e)(l)(D) and 34 CFR s303.654, the Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) of each jurisdiction that receives funds under Part C of the IDEA must prepare and submit to the Secretary of the US. Department of Education (Department) and to the Governor of its jurisdiction an annual report on the status of the early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families operated within the State. The ICC may either: (1) prepare and submit its own annual report to the Department and the Governor, or (2) provide this certification with the State lead agency's Annual Performance Report (APR)1 under Part C of the IDEA. This certification (including the annual report or APR) is due no later than February 2, 2009.

On behalf of the ICC of the State/jurisdiction of Illinois , I hereby certify that the ICC is: [please check one]

  1. [ ] Submitting its own annual report (which is attached); or
  2. [ X ]Using the State's Part C APR for FFY 2007 in lieu of submitting the ICC's own annual report. By completing this certification, the ICC confirms that it has reviewed the State's Part C APR for accuracy and completeness.2

I hereby further confirm that a copy of this Annual Report Certification and the annual report or APR has been provided to our Governor.

Signature of ICC Chairperson Date

Beatrice Nichols
9307 South Lonqwood Drive
Chicago, IL 60620

Daytime telephone number: 1 (312) 743-1635

1: Under IDEA Sections 616(b)(Z)(C)(ii)(ll) and 642 and under 34 CFR 580.40, the lead agency's APR must report on the State's performance under its State performance plan and contain information about the activities and accomplishments of the grant period for a particular Federal fiscal year (FFY).

2: If the ICC is usina the State's Part C APR and it disaurees with data or other information resented in the State's Part C APR, the IC? must attach to this certification an-explanation of the ICC's disagreemint and submit the certification and explanation no later than Februaly 2, 2009.