Current Status of Functioning / Levels of Development

Early Intervention
Illinois Annual Performance Report

Part C State Annual Performance Report for (FFY07)
(OMB NO: 1820-0578 / Expiration Date: 12/31/2009)

Document the child's percent of delay and/or age equivalent in months and provide a narrative description of the child's level of functioning, including the child and family's strengths, resources, priorities and concerns.

  1. What are the family's strengths, resources, priorities and concerns related to enhancing the overall development of their child? (Review the ASQ-SE and the routines and daily activities discussed during the intake interview)
  2. Overall Health and Medical Information (Including a statement regarding Hearing and Vision status)
  3. Adaptive Development:
    • % Delay
    • Age Eq
  4. Cognitive Development
    • % Delay
    • Age Eq
  5. Communication Development (Total, if applicable)
    • % Delay
    • Age Eq
      • Expressive Communication
        • % Delay
        • Age Eq
      • Receptive Communication
        • % Delay
        • Age Eq
  6. Motor Development (Total, if applicable)
    • % Delay Age Eq
      • Fine Motor
        • % Delay
        • Age Eq
      • Gross Motor
        • % Delay
        • Age Eq
  7. Social/Emotional Development
    • % Delay
    • Age Eq

Eligibility Determined:


Primary Diagnosis:



The overall goal of Early Intervention supports and services is for children to be able to successfully participate in their family and their community. To that end, progress toward the following child outcomes is being measured.

  1. Positive Socio-Emotional Skills (Including Social Relationships) Children who achieve this outcome show a variety of behaviors related to making and maintaining positive social relationships in age-appropriate ways.
    • For example, they:
      • Demonstrate attachment with the significant caregivers in their lives.
      • Initiate and maintain social relationships with children and adults.
      • Behave in a way that allows them to participate in a variety of settings and situations.
      • Demonstrate trust in others.
      • Regulate sensory and emotional experiences.
      • Understand and follow rules.
      • Solve social problems.
    • A. To what extent does this child show behaviors and skills related to this outcome appropriate for his or her age across a variety of settings and situations?
        7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    • B. (If question A. has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to this outcome since the last outcome summary?
      • Y / N
        • If yes, describe progress; if no, describe special considerations (if any):
  2. Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills
    • Children who achieve this outcome show a variety of behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills across a variety of everyday routines and activities. For example, they:
      • Explore their environment.
      • Engage in daily learning opportunities through manipulating toys and other objects in an appropriate manner.
      • Use vocabulary through speaking, sign language or augmentative communication devices to communicate in an increasingly complex form.
      • Show imagination and creativity in play.
      • Obtain and maintain attention.
    • A. To what extent does this child show behaviors and skills related to this outcome appropriate for his or her age across a variety of settings and situations?
        7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    • B (If question A. has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to this outcome since the last outcome summary?
      • Y / N
        • If yes, describe progress; if no, describe special considerations (if any):
  3. Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs
    • Children who take appropriate action to meet their needs show a variety of behaviors related to this outcome. For example, they:
      • Use gestures, sounds, words, signs or other means to communicate wants and needs.
      • Meet their self care needs (feeding, dressing, etc.) so they can participate in everyday routines and activities.
      • Use object as tools in appropriate ways (for example, forks, sticks, pencils, crayons, switches).
      • Move from place to place to participate in everyday activities, play and routines.
      • Seek help when necessary to move from place to place or to assist with basic care or other needs.
      • Follow rules related to health and safety.
    • A. To what extent does this child show behaviors and skills related to this outcome appropriate for his or her age across a variety of settings and situations?
        7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    • B. (If question A. has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to this outcome since the last outcome summary?
      • Y / N
        • If yes, describe progress; if no, describe special considerations (if any):
(Select from Table A)

Table A

01 - Formal Assessment Instrument

02 - Formal Parent Interview/Rating

03 - Informal Parent Interview

04 - Existing Medical/Developmental Records

05 - Observation

06 - Clinical Opinion/Judgement

07 - Other