2/17/2009 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Bureau of Accessibility and Safety Systems (BASS) and the Illinois ADA Project host an ADA Distance Learning session on "Unraveling the Differences and Similarities Regarding Leave, Light Duty, Reassignment and Return to Work Issues: Implications for Employers." This session will discuss on clarification regarding when leave is required, the process that an employer should use to determine if the leave falls under the ADA vs FMLA or both and how to differentiate between an obligation under Worker's Compensation law and the ADA.
The program is free to those who call and register. You must pre-register prior to the training date in order to receive the dial-in number and pass code.
If you are requesting a reasonable accommodation, please contact BASS and specify what form of accommodation is needed at least two weeks prior to the training date.
Please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Safety Systems at one of the following numbers:
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