Check List for Adult - HBS or CILA

Checklist to Apply for Adult Waiver Services - CILA or HBS

The Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency for your area will help you with all the steps outlined below:

  • Contact the ISC agency for your area for help with the process to assess eligibility and apply for CILA or HBS services. (Note: This is probably the agency that interviewed you and enrolled you on the PUNS database. If you are unsure of the contact information, please call 1-888-DDPLANS and, when prompted by the recording, type in your zip Code. You will be connected with your local ISC agency.)
  • Gather any existing documentation from schools and other professionals that the ISC staff may be able to use for eligibility determination. (For example, a psychological evaluation completed within the past 5 years, any medical history, and any other applicable assessments.)
  • Work with the local DHS Family Community Resource Center to complete an application for Medicaid, unless you are already enrolled in a Medicaid program.
  • Participate in any needed additional appointments to complete eligibility determination.
  • Choose an agency to provide CILA services or HBS Service Facilitation. ISC agency staff can provide information on these services and the agencies that provide these services.
  • Work with the ISC agency to complete the application packet for CILA or HBS services. Receive an award letter authorizing services. Services may not begin until this award letter is received.
  • Work with the CILA Team Leader or HBS Service Facilitator to plan services and complete an Individual Service Plan. If you select the HBS program, you must also complete Service Agreements and Service Authorizations.