MR #08.35: Sheltered Care 10% Rate Increase

MR #08.35: Sheltered Care 10% Rate Increase


  • Effective 08/05/08, state law increased allowances by 10% for persons receiving AABD Sheltered Care, or Personal or Nursing Care in Homes not Subject to Licensing.
  • The system will centrally increase the allowances on regular roll AABD cash cases for 12/08. 
  • A retroactive mercury payment to make up the 10% increase will be centrally generated for August through November 2008.
  • Use the new rates for AABD Cash or Medical cases approved on or after 11/17/08 for care in a sheltered care home, or personal or nursing care in a home not subject to licensing.
  • For AABD Medical clients receiving sheltered care, or personal or nursing care in a home not subject to licensing, use the increased rates as follows:
    • At Intake, for all determinations made for 12/08 or later;
    • For active cases, at the next REDE, whenever income or assets are recalculated, or whenever medical expenses are presented to meet spenddown for 12/08 or later.