Your Rights and Responsibilities

You as a customer have a right to...

  • Apply or reapply for rehabilitation services
  • Receive a timely decision on your eligibility for services based on a complete assessment of your disability
  • Receive an explanation in writing, should you be determined ineligible for services, telling you why you were denied services
  • Receive an explanation about services that you may receive
  • Partner with your counselor in making informed choices for you rehabilitation plan
  • Be assured of the complete confidentiality of your case records
  • Review your rehabilitation case record with a staff member present
  • Participate with your counselor in any decision to close your case
  • Appeal any decision with which you do not agree
  • Be informed of the Client Assistance Program (CAP)
  • Be provided with a form of communication appropriate to accommodate your disability

It is your Responsibility to...

  • Fully participate in your rehabilitation plan
  • Set realistic goals and participate in writing your rehabilitation plan with your counselor
  • Follow through with your plan for rehabilitation
  • Communicate with your counselor and ask questions when you do not understand services
  • Keep all appointments and let your counselor know beforehand if you cannot make the appointment
  • Keep a copy of your plan or services and any amendments related to the plan
  • Notify your counselor of any change in your personal condition or work status
  • Be aware of financial eligibility requirements for some services
  • Keep original documents and send only copies to your counselor's office