Instructions for Provider Enrollment Application - HFS 2243

Read Carefully - Healthcare & Family Services (HFS) will return incomplete or inaccurate documents.  You will be notified by email to correct errors on your application.  When correcting errors, you must resubmit entire enrollment application packet.

Section A:  Provider Information

  1. Check the appropriate box for type of enrollment (new, re-enrollment, name change, reinstatement).
  2. Provider Type
    Waiver Type Provider Type Code
    Adult Waiver 091
    Children's In-Home Support Waiver 094
    Children's Residential Waiver 097

    Note:  It is important that you complete a separate HFS 2243 with the appropriate provider type for each waiver under which you will be providing services.

  3. Provider Name: The legal name MUST match the name on the provider agreement (HFS 1413A) and W9, including doing business as (d/b/a), middle initial or middle name.
  4. Numbers 4 - 7 are self-explanatory. 
  5. Providers are required by the U.S. Postal Service to use a nine-digit zip code for all addresses.  Mail without a nine-digit zip code may be returned by the U.S. Postal Service.
  6. Numbers 9 - 11 are self-explanatory.
  7. Enter National Provider Identification Number (NPI) if the provider is a health care provider, as defined in the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which requires you to have an NPI.
  8. If enrolling as a business entity, enter either your nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) number or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (FTIN).  The FEIN or FTIN must match the FEIN or FTIN on the Provider Agreement (HFS 1413A) and on the W9.  When completing this form, you must enter a SSN in box 12 or FEIN/FTIN in box 14.  Do not enter a number in both boxes.
  9. If enrolling as an individual practitioner or personal support worker, enter your nine-digit Social Security number (SSN).  The SSN must match the SSN on the Provider Agreement (HFS-1413A) and the W9.
  10. Individual practitioners licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation must enter their professional license number.  Write in N/A for not applicable if you are not licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional regulation.
  11. Numbers 16 - 17 are not applicable.
  12. Enter the one-digit number to indicate the type of ownership:
    1. 1 = Sole Proprietary (for all individual providers)
    2. 2 = Partnership
    3. 3 = Corporation
  13. Enter the one-digit number to show the type of facility control:
    1. 1 = State, County or City
    2. 2 = Religious or charitable
    3. 3 = Proprietary (for all individual providers)
    4. 4 = Other
  14. Numbers 20 through 21 are not applicable.

SECTION B:  Service/Specialty

  1. Enter the appropriate three-digit category of service code or codes from Attachment A.  See category of service code below:
    Code Name
    010 HBS Nursing
    032 Home/Vehicle Modifications
    041 Adaptive Equipment/Assistive Technology
    047 HBS Service Facilitation
    055 HBS Transportation
    094 Adult Day Care
    095 Habilitation Services, including: CILA, Community Living Facility (CLF), Child Group Home, Developmental Training, Supported Employment, HBS Personal Support
    097 Other Approved Waiver Services, including: Behavior Intervention & Treatment, Behavior Counseling, Psychotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Counseling for Unpaid Care Givers, Training for Unpaid Care Givers
    098 Emergency Home Response
  2. Numbers 23 through 38 are not applicable.

SECTION C:  Former Participation

Complete this section only if there is a change of ownership, FEIN or name.

SECTION D:  Additional NPI

Not applicable.

SECTION E: Payee Information

Not Applicable at time of enrollment.  Payee information will be accepted on each bill for service.

SECTION F: Certification/Signature

This section must be completed in its entirety.  The Agreement must have an original signature of the individual, or if a business entity, an authorized person.  You must also print the name of the signer legibly.

Provider handbook box is not applicable. Click on this link for the: Provider Waiver Manual