Provider Types and Categories of Service

Provider Type

Code Name
091 Adult DD Waiver
094 Children's Support Waiver
097 Children's Residential Waiver

Categories of Service (COS)

Code Name
010 HBS Nursing
032 Home/Vehicle Modifications
041 Adaptive Equipment/Assistive Technology
047 HBS Service Facilitation
055 HBS Transportation
094 Adult Day Care
095 Habilitation Services, including: CILA, Community Living Facility (CLF), Child Group Home, Developmental Training, Supported Employment, HBS Personal Support
097 Other Approved Waiver Services, including: Behavior Intervention & Treatment, Behavior Counseling, Psychotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Counseling for Unpaid Care Givers, Training for Unpaid Care Givers
098 Emergency Home Response