PM 06-21-02
IES Process
IES determines whether a person qualifies for AATV for non-citizens, who does not otherwise meet immigration criteria for medical benefits, when one of the following questions is answered on the Aliens Detail screen under 'Asylum Torture Victim Information':
- 'Yes' to 'Individual has a pending asylum application', or
- 'Yes' to 'Individual is receiving federally funded torture treatment services'.
Note: A person receiving AATV benefits appears to be in an AABD EDG with an AATV indicator (that is, the EDG Summary screen shows the 'Special Approval Type' is 'Asylum Torture Victim').
In IES, the earliest certified approved AATV date is recorded as the start date for purposes of determining the maximum eligibility period.
Legacy Process
(FCRC) Registers and processes cases through IPACS.
The following 552 coding is applicable for these cases:
Item 1 - Register case as Category 90 with a basic number beginning with the letter V,
Item 12 - enter the appropriate code for Nation of Origin,
Item 17 - enter dashes,
Item 60 - a Social Security Number and Alien ID number is not required,
Item 74 - enter new code 41, Asylum Applicant or Torture Victim,
Item 78 - enter new code M (This code cannot be changed),
Item 80 - enter new code 321 PAT, with the date of initial eligibility (mm/yy) entered in the persons field starting with the first backdated month if any (This code cannot be deleted, nor can the date be changed, even if there is a break in assistance),
Item 80 - code 158 CI, Countable Income Medical, is required.
Applicants for this program may not yet have an Alien ID number, therefore a SAVE inquiry is not required for this program. However, complete a SAVE inquiry if the applicant provides an Alien ID number.
Backdate eligibility up to three months prior to the month of application if the applicant meets the criteria for the backdated months. However, eligibility under this program cannot be backdated prior to May 2007.