Action Memo: Change in FSE&T Office (223) Procedures for Customers Reapplying for FS

Action Memo: Change in FSE&T Office (223) Procedures for Customers Reapplying for FS


  • The Food Stamp Employment & Training  (FSE&T) Office (223) is making procedural changes to how the office handles Category 08 cases canceled on its payroll.
  • Starting 04/01/08, any mandatory FSE&T customer in the City Of Chicago who wants to reapply for FS within 6 months of being canceled by the FSE&T office (223) will be served by the FSE&T office.  
  • This change in procedure affects FCRCs in Region 1 North and Region 1 South that normally send mandatory Category 08 cases to the FSE&T office after approval.
  • When a mandatory FSE&T customer whose previous case was canceled by the FSE&T office (223) mails-in, faxes or files a web application within 6 months of cancellation, the FCRC's affected by this change should send the application to the FSE&T office 223 for processing.