Foundational Principles of Recovery

Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Mental Health

Revised 07/25/2005


Having a vision that includes hopes and dreams!  Setting goals, while refraining from negative predictions.  Fearing 'false despair', not 'false hope'.

Personal Responsibility

Relying on oneself, with help from others, while working to control one's life and one's symptom's.  Making choices which reflect one's life priorities.


Recognizing that recovery is not a journey that anyone walks alone.  Drawing on support from friends, family and and healthcare professionals.


Learning all there is to know about one's health, wellness, symptoms and treatment, in order to be equipped to make good decisions.  Being open to, and seeking out new information.


"Going for it" with courage, persistence and determination. Expressing oneself clearly and calmly in order to get one's needs met.


Finding meaning and purpose in one's life.  Gaining a sense of identity, based on one's own values and beliefs, which may include one's relationship with the divine or a power greater than one's self.