MH Grants & Program Support - All Funds & GRF

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds Mental Health Grants and Program Support

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 95.4 95.4 95.4
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $5,295.6 $5,295.6 $673.2 $5,968.8
Retirement $879.3 $879.3 $109.2 $988.5
Social Security $405.1 $405.1 $51.5 $456.6
Group Insurance $133.2 $133.2 $9.9 $143.1
Subtotal $6,713.2 $6,713.2 $843.8 $7,557.0
Contractual $2,321.4 $2,321.4 $2,321.4
Travel $108.0 $108.0 $108.0
Commodities $25.8 $25.8 $25.8
Equipment $9.8 $9.8 $9.8
Telecommunications $211.1 $211.1 $211.1
Subtotal $2,676.1 $2,676.1 $2,676.1
DHS Federal Projects Fund $16,000.0 $16,000.0 $16,000.0
Medicaid- Mental Ill/Kid Care $105,689.9 $105,689.9 $105,689.9
MH Block C&A $4,341.8 $4,341.8 $4,341.8
MH Block Grants $13,025.4 $13,025.4 $13,025.4
MH C&A Grants $36,975.4 $36,975.4 $36,975.4
MH Grants $231,036.6 $231,036.6 $2,591.8 $233,628.4
MH ICG's $28,112.8 $28,112.8 $28,112.8
MH Psychotropic Drugs $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $3,000.0
MH Transportation - GRF $1,200.0 $1,200.0 $1,200.0
MH Transportation - MH Transportation Fund $1,200.0 $1,200.0 ($1,200.0)
Supportive MI Housing $14,250.0 $14,250.0 $4,000.0 $18,250.0
Children's MH Partnership $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $1,000.0 $4,000.0
MH Transition $22,982.6 $22,982.6 $22,982.6
Teen Suicide $206.4 $206.4 $206.4
Subtotal $481,020.9 $481,020.9 $6,391.8 $487,412.7
Total Appropriation $490,410.2 $490,410.2 $7,235.6 $497,645.8

FY09 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees $673.2 $673.2
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $109.2 $109.2
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $51.1 $51.5
Group Insurance Group Insurance Rate change $9.9
MH Grants

Consumer Access Safety Net $2,364.8

Mentally Ill/Substance Abuse (MISA) Pilot Project $227.0

Supportive MI Housing Expansion of MI Housing Program $4,000.0
MH Transportation - MH Transportation Fund Eliminate appropriation authority due to no remaining balance in fund ($1,200.0)
Children's MH Partnership Program Expansion $1,000.0

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund
Mental Health Grants and Program Support

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 74.4 74.4 74.4
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $4,724.1 $4,724.1 $653.7 $5,377.8
Retirement $784.4 $784.4 $106.2 $890.6
Social Security $361.4 $361.4 $50.0 $411.4
Subtotal $5,869.9 $5,869.9 $809.9 $6,679.8
Contractual $2,202.0 $2,202.0 $2,202.0
Travel $98.0 $98.0 $98.0
Commodities $20.8 $20.8 $20.8
Equipment $4.8 $4.8 $4.8
Telecommunications $211.1 $211.1 $211.1
Subtotal $2,536.7 $2,536.7 $2,536.7
MH Grants $231,036.6 $231,036.6 $2,591.8 $233,628.4
MH ICG's $28,112.8 $28,112.8 $28,112.8
MH C&A Grants $36,975.4 $36,975.4 $36,975.4
MH Psychotropic Drugs $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $3,000.0
Supportive MI Housing $14,250.0 $14,250.0 $4,000.0 $18,250.0
Children's MH Partnership $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $1,000.0 $4,000.0
MH Transportation $1,200.0 $1,200.0 $1,200.0
MH Transition $22,982.6 $22,982.6 $22,982.6
Subtotal $340,557.4 $340,557.4 $7,591.8 $348,149.2
Total Appropriation $348,964.0 $348,964.0 $8,401.7 $357,365.7

FY09 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees $653.7 $653.7
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $106.2 $106.2
Social Security Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $50.0 $111.2
MH Grants

Consumer Access Safety Net $2,364.8

Mentally Ill/Substance Abuse (MISA) Pilot Project $227.0

Supportive MI Housing Expansion of MI Housing Program $4,000.0
Children's MH Partnership Program Expansion $1,000.0