Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $479.2
Realignment of funding from HCD EDS to MIS - $451.9
Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $75.1
Realignment of funding from HCD EDS to MIS - $74.8
Annualized cost at 7.65% $36.7
Realignment of funding from HCD EDS to MIS - $34.6
Personal Services Pricing Admustmnet, including annualization of FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Stephs for Bargaining Unit Employees - $25.2;
Annualized cost of retirement rate of 16.561% - $4.2;
Annualized cost of Social Security rate of 7.65% - $1.9; and
Cost of Group Insurance Rate Increase - $8.8
Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization of FY08
COLA and funding for FY09 Steps for Bargaining Unit Employees $410.3
Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $64.8
Annualized cost at 7.65% $31.4
Realignment of funding from HCD EDS to MIS -$34.6
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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