DD Grants & Program Support – All Funds & GRF

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 99.1 99.1 29.0 128.1
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $5,750.7 $5,750.7 $1,753.6 $7,504.3
Retirement $954.7 $954.7 $288.1 $1,242.8
Social Security $440.0 $440.0 $134.1 $574.1
Subtotal $7,145.4 $7,145.4 $2,175.8 $9,321.2
Contractual $216.6 $216.6 $216.6
Travel $202.8 $202.8 $202.8
Commodities $20.4 $20.4 $20.4
Equipment $357.7 $357.7 $357.7
Telecommunications $80.6 $80.6 $80.6
Operation of Auto Equipment $23.2 $23.2 $23.2
Money Follows the Person $497.5 $497.5
Subtotal $901.3 $901.3 $497.5 $1,398.8
Project for Autism $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
DD Grants & POC $575,308.3 $575,308.3 $20,335.3 $595,643.6
DCFS CILAs $6,512.8 $6,512.8 $6,512.8
Lewis & Clark Comm. College $55.0 $55.0 $165.0 $220.0
DD Long Term Care $351,856.2 $351,856.2 $30,964.8 $382,821.0
Special Services $9,232.2 $9,232.2 ($407.8) $8,824.4
Home & Community Based Waiver $510.5 $510.5 $510.5
DD HBSS $27,839.5 $27,839.5 $6,811.1 $34,650.6
DD Transitions $2,450.0 $2,450.0 $13,604.5 $16,054.5
DD COLA $18,300.0 $18,300.0 ($18,300.0)
Autism Research Checkoff $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
DD Purchase of Care $9,965.6 $9,965.6 $9,965.6
DD Grants & POC $12,000.0 $12,000.0 $8,000.0 $20,000.0
DD HBSS $1,300.0 $1,300.0 $1,300.0
DD Long Term Care $43,000.0 $43,000.0 ($3,000.0) $40,000.0
Payments to Provider for Care $32,950.0 $32,950.0 $1,500.0 $34,450.0
Subtotal $1,096,380.1 $1,096,380.1 $59,672.9 $1,156,053.0
Total Appropriation $1,104,426.8 $1,104,426.8 $62,346.2 $1,166,773.0

FY09 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services

Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees $673.4

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placement Staff (22 FTE) $1,080.2


Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $109.2

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placement Staff (22 FTE) $178.9

Social Security

Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $57.4

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placment Staff (22 FTE) $82.7

Money Follows the Person Supports transition facilitation and monitoring staff and upfront costs to move clients from institutional settings to community placements. (7 FTE) $497.5
DD Grants & PoC

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $17,290.8

Annualize FY08 SODC client moves to community $3,044.5

Lewis & Clark Comm. College Restoration to FY07 appropriation level. $165.0
DD Long Term Care

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $9,740.2

Maintain payment cycle $17,224.6

GRF Pick-up of change in Assessment Fund receipts $4,000.0

Special Services Program Attrition ($407.8)

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $1,294.8

Fund FY08 shortfall $5,516.3

DD Transitions

Funding for an additional 220 SODC moves to the community &

Increased funding to improve the level care in the DD System

DD COLA Redistributed FY08 COLA funding to appropriate line items. ($18,300.0)
DD Grants & PoC (142 Fund) Increase in appropriation authority to expend available revenues $8,000.0
DD Long Term Care (344 Fund) Decrease in appropriation authority to related to change in amount of fee allowed. ($3,000.0)
Health & Human Services Medicaid Increase in appropriation authority for FY07 Children's Mental Health Partnership $1,500.0

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund
Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 99.1 99.1 29.0 128.1
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $5,750.7 $5,750.7 $1,753.6 $7,504.3
Retirement $954.7 $954.7 $288.1 $1,242.8
Social Security $440.0 $440.0 $134.1 $574.1
Subtotal $7,145.4 $7,145.4 $2,175.8 $9,321.2
Contractual $216.6 $216.6 $216.6
Travel $202.8 $202.8 $202.8
Commodities $20.4 $20.4 $20.4
Equipment $357.7 $357.7 $357.7
Telecommunications $80.6 $80.6 $80.6
Operation of Auto Equipment $23.2 $23.2 $23.2
Money Follows the Person $497.5 $497.5
Subtotal $901.3 $901.3 $497.5 $1,398.8
Project for Autism $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
DD Grants & POC $575,308.3 $575,308.3 $20,335.3 $595,643.6
DCFS CILAs $6,512.8 $6,512.8 $6,512.8
Lewis & Clark Comm. College $55.0 $55.0 $165.0 $220.0
DD Long Term Care $351,856.2 $351,856.2 $30,964.8 $382,821.0
Special Services $9,232.2 $9,232.2 ($407.8) $8,824.4
Home & Community Based Waiver $510.5 $510.5 $510.5
DD HBSS $27,839.5 $27,839.5 $6,811.1 $34,650.6
DD Transitions $2,450.0 $2,450.0 $13,604.5 $16,054.5
DD COLA $18,300.0 $18,300.0 ($18,300.0)
Subtotal $997,064.5 $997,064.5 $53,172.9 $1,050,237.4
Total Appropriation $1,005,111.2 $1,005,111.2 $55,846.2 $1,060,957.4

FY09 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services

Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees $673.4

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placement Staff (22 FTE) $1,080.2


Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% $109.2

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placement Staff (22 FTE) $178.9

Social Security

Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% $57.4

Program Quality, Monitoring, and Placment Staff (22 FTE) $82.7

Money Follows the Person Supports transition facilitation and monitoring staff and upfront costs to move clients from institutional settings to community placements. (7 FTE) $497.5
DD Grants & PoC

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $17,290.8

Annualize FY08 SODC client moves to community $3,044.5

Lewis & Clark Comm. College Restoration to FY07 Appropriation level. $165.0
DD Long Term Care

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $9,740.2

Maintain payment cycle $17,224.6

GRF Pick-up of change in Assessment Fund receipts $4,000.0

Special Services Program Attrition ($407.8)

Annualize FY08 2.5% COLA and redistribue from FY08 lump sum $1,294.8

Fund FY08 shortfall $5,516.3

DD Transitions

Funding for an additional 220 SODC moves to the community &

Increased funding to improve the level care in the DD System

DD COLA Redistributed FY08 COLA funding to appropriate line items. ($18,300.0)