Central Support & Clinical Services – All Funds & GRF

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds
Central Support & Clinical Services

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 142.0 142.0 2.0 144.0
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $8,955.4 $8,955.4 ($45.6) $8,909.8
Retirement $1,486.6 $1,486.6 ($11.0) $1,475.6
Social Security $685.1 $685.1 ($3.5) $681.6
Subtotal $11,127.1 $11,127.1 ($60.1) $11,067.0
Contractual $565.8 $565.8 $565.8
Contractual (Private Hospital Svcs) $979.9 $979.9 $900.0 $1,879.9
Travel $99.8 $99.8 $99.8
Commodities $21,977.7 $21,977.7 $508.2 $22,485.9
Printing $27.9 $27.9 $27.9
Equipment $66.3 $66.3 $66.3
Telecommunications $38.4 $38.4 $38.4
Medicare Part D- GRF $500.0 $500.0 ($500.0)
Medicare Part D- MHF $1,500.0 $1,500.0
Support Services $4,852.1 $4,852.1 $3,000.0 $7,852.1
Federally Assisted Programs $5,949.2 $5,949.2 $5,949.2
Subtotal $35,057.1 $35,057.1 $5,408.2 $40,465.3
Total Appropriation $46,184.2 $46,184.2 $5,348.1 $51,532.3

FY09 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services

Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA  and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees ($148.0)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $102.4


Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% ($28.0)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $17.0

Social Security

Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% ($11.3)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $7.8

Contractual/Private Hospitals Increase funding to prior year actual spending levels. $900.0

Costs for drug price increases and the utilization of newer generation drugs at higher prices. $1,036.2

Savings from DD SOF downsizing in prior year ($528.0)

Medicare Part D - GRF Decrease funding in GRF line. Funding shifted to Mental Health Fund ($500.0)
Medicare Part D- MHF Funding shifted from GRF to MHF for expenditures related to Medcicare Part D billing process $1,500.0
Support Services Allows increase spending from revenues generated in Medicare Part D billing process $3,000.0

FY09 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund
Central Support & Clinical Services

FY08 Budgeted FY08 Adj. FY08 EOY FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Staff (June 30th) 126.0 126.0 2.0 128.0
Appropriation Name FY08 Approp. FY08 Adj. FY08 Est. Exp. FY09 Adj. FY09 Request
Personal Services $8,955.4 $8,955.4 ($45.6) $8,909.8
Retirement $1,486.6 $1,486.6 ($11.0) $1,475.6
Social Security $685.1 $685.1 ($3.5) $681.6
Subtotal $11,127.1 $11,127.1 ($60.1) $11,067.0
Contractual $565.8 $565.8 $565.8
Contractual (Private Hosp Svcs) $979.9 $979.9 $900.0 $1,879.9
Travel $99.8 $99.8 $99.8
Commodities $21,977.7 $21,977.7 $508.2 $22,485.9
Printing $27.9 $27.9 $27.9
Equipment $66.3 $66.3 $66.3
Telecommunications $38.4 $38.4 $38.4
Medicare Part D $500.0 $500.0 ($500.0)
Subtotal $24,255.8 $24,255.8 $908.2 $25,164.0
Total Appropriation $35,382.9 $35,382.9 $848.1 $36,231.0

FY09 Adjustments

Personal Services

Personal Services Pricing Adjustment, including annualization for FY08 COLA and funding for FY09 Step increases for bargaining unit employees ($148.0)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $102.4


Annualized cost at rate of 16.561% ($28.0)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $17.0

Social Security

Annualized cost at rate of 7.65% ($11.3)

Reallocation of 1 FTE from Murray and 1 FTE from Chester for Pharmacy Services $7.8

Contractual/Private Hospitals Increase funding to prior year actual levels. $900.0

Costs for drug price increases and the utilization of newer generation drugs at higher prices. $1,036.2

Savings from DD SOF downsizing in prior year ($528.0)

Medicare Part D Decrease funding in GRF line. Funding shifted to Mental Health Fund ($500.0)