- John Cunningham, CMS
- Richard Chamberlain, WIU
- Andy Georgopoulos, CMS
- Janise King, DHS CAWS
- Janet Peters, Great Lakes ADA Center
- Dave Porter
- Hadi Rangin, UIUC
- Bill Reif, NFBI
- Melissa Romanotto, DHS DRS
- Ron Sanderson, CMS
- Mike Scott, DHS DRS
- Terrence Wright, SIU
The goal of today's meeting is to finalize the technical requirements and update the group on the status of each of our three deliverables.
Deliverable #1 - Functional performance criteria and technical requirements for accessibility.
IITAA Standards
The group was notified on 1/11/2008 that the standards had been updated. Changes and additions include:
- Added Definition for Alternate Formats (based on Section 508)
- Added Definition for Assistive Technology (based on Section 508)
- Changed Definition of Substantial Modification (to align with CMS IT Governance Process)
- Removed Exception for Emergency, Field, and First Response Use (TEITAC has not reached consensus on its inclusion)
- Changed Exception for Services Areas to Maintenance and Monitoring Areas (to align with latest revisions from TEITAC)
- Added to Exception for Undue Burden (to clarify who determines, as recommended by IDHHC)
- Revised Functional Performance Criteria wording to "People who are Blind", "People who are Deaf", etc. (as recommended by IDHHC)
- Revised Functional Performance Criteria for People with Limited Hearing (as recommended by IDHHC)
- Revised Functional Performance Criteria for People who are Deaf (as recommended by IDHHC)
- Concern was raised about the timing of the 508 Refresh. We expect that the 508 Refresh will be released in early to mid 2009. After they are released, we will revise the IITAA standards.
- How will the standards change based on claims of undue burden? We will see how the standards work in practice and make modifications to the standards as needed. This issue is addressed in deliverable #3.
- As of today, the IITAA Standards are final.
IITAA Implementation Guidelines for Web-Based Information and Applications
Some committee members have expressed concerns about about some of the implementation guidelines. The technical sub-group will discuss these concerns at the IITAA Technical Sub-group Teleconference on Wednesday, January 23, 2008.
Guideline 6.3 is missing the wording present in 7.1 & 7.2 that specifies "when it is provided to the public and/or required to be viewed by employees." This language will be added and submitted to the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission for comment.
The final discussion of the implementation guidelines will be held at our next regularly scheduled workgroup teleconference on Wednesday, January 30, 2008.
We also still are planning a "kick-off" meeting for either February 13th or February 20th. We will notify the group via email as soon as the date and details are finalized.
Deliverable #2 - Recommendations for procurement language that can be incorporated into existing State procurement processes to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
A draft of the procurement recommendations have been submitted to CMS BCCS, CMS BOSSAP, and CMS Legal. As soon as we get the final approval from them, the procurement recommendations will be posted on the web site.
Deliverable #3 - Recommendations for planning, reporting, monitoring, and enforcement of the accessibility standards by State entities.
We will make sure all accessibility or web accessibility links in the state template direct people to the IITAA standards web site. A link to ask questions, make comments, or file complaints will be placed in a prominent location on the main IITAA web page.
Next Meeting
The next IITAA Workgroup Teleconference will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at the Hay-Edwards Building, Room 325, 400 W Lawrence, Springfield from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. The teleconference number is 1-800-930-8829. The passcode is 9125949#. If you need a special accommodation, please email