Developmental Disabilities Budget Briefing


The Division of Developmental Disabilities oversees the design and delivery of person-centered services for individuals who have developmental disabilities. These services include pre-admission screening, service linkage and coordination, in-home support services, residential services, day services, and therapies.

The Division of Developmental Disabilities is responsible for coordinating the State's response to the needs of all people with developmental disabilities in the state. To accomplish this, the office contracts with and funds approximately 400 community service providers and funds over 300 private intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities.

Additionally, it operates 9 developmental centers. The Division is committed to implementing a strategic plan in full partnership with people with developmental disabilities who are touched directly by the system to ensure that the plan draws inspiration from their experiences, insights and ideas. In addition, the  Division actively seeks ideas regarding its policies and operations from many other partners, including families, friends, advocates, advisory councils, trade associations, community providers, state-operated developmental center managers and the Division's own staff.

The strategic plan is designed in accordance with the federal government's Quality Framework for Home and Community Based Waivers and is built around three basic themes: putting people who have developmental disabilities first, supporting choice, and managing as one system. These themes are reflected in the vision and mission statements:


People who have developmental disabilities are able to enjoy meaningful relationships with family, friends and others in their lives; to experience personal growth and development; and to fully participate in activities of their choice in communities of their choice.


The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities provides leadership for an effective management of the design and delivery of quality outcome-based, personcentered services and supports for individuals who have developmental disabilities. These services and supports will be appropriate to their needs, gifts, talents and strengths; accessible; life-spanning; based on informed choice; and monitored to ensure individual progress, quality of life and safety.

As you can see from the highlights below, the Fiscal Year 2008 proposed budget reflects the Division's efforts to increase opportunities for community-based services and enhance community capabilities. In addition, the budget also supports new steps to strengthen the quality of services provided in our developmental centers.

FY08 Highlights

  • The FY08 budget includes $3 million for 120 new emergency CILAs and $10.0 million for CILA capacities to support 200 individuals moving from State-Operated Developmental Centers in FY07.
  • The budget also includes $2.1 million for new CILAs for 125 individuals moving from State-Operated Developmental Centers during FY08. With these discharges and our funded staffing levels, we are striving to achieve an average staff-to-resident ratio of 2:1 by the end of FY08.
  • The budget proposal includes $4.4M to support a new initiative to provide Crisis Management Services. Crisis Management Services will include teams to provide assessment and technical assistance to individuals "in crisis", allowing them to remain in their current living arrangements (e.g. family homes, CILAs or private ICFDDs).
  • FY08 also includes $1.5M to fund two DD Performance Review and Development Teams. These teams will assure consistent practices, compliance with ICFMR standards, and improve the overall quality among the state-operated developmental centers.
  • The FY08 budget for DD Long Term Care (e.g. ICFDDs) includes $9.0 million to fund program liability.
  • The Department has developed two new Waiver applications for approval by the federal government to obtain Medicaid matching funds for children's in-home and residential DD services beginning 7/1/07.
  • As a result of the conversion of grant-funded Developmental Training and CILA services to fee-for service $6.8M in additional federal medicaid matching funds has been deposited into the DD Community Services Medicaid Trust Fund to improve and expand services in FY07. Anticipating continued success in claiming, the Department is requesting $8 million in appropriation authority for this fund in FY08.
  • The FY08 budget includes $1 million for Fiscal Intermediary services to assure compliance with the Department of Labor requirements for the Home-based Supports program.