Individuals with serious mental illness are adults whose emotional or behavioral functioning is so impaired as to interfere with their capacity to remain in the community without supportive treatment. The mental impairment is severe and persistent and may result in a limitation of their capacities for primary activities of daily living, interpersonal relationships, homemaking, self-care, employment or recreation. The mental impairment may limit their ability to seek or receive local, state or federal assistance such as housing, medical and dental care, rehabilitation services, income assistance and food stamps, or protective services.
Diagnoses:The client must have one of the following diagnoses that meets DSM-5 criteria and which is the focus of the treatment being provided:
Treatment History (Treatment history covers the client's lifetime treatment and is restricted to treatment for the DSM-5 diagnosis specified in Section I.)
To qualify under this section, the client must meet at least ONE of the criteria below:
Functional Criteria (Functional criteria has been purposely narrowed to descriptors of the most serious levels of functional impairment and are not intended to reflect the full range of possible impairment.)
To qualify under this section, the client must meet at least TWO of the criteria, A1 through A7, or B1 as a result of the DSM-5 diagnosis specified in Section I.
Individuals determined on the basis of a mental health assessment to have a serious emotional disturbance and display serious cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dysfunctions.
Treatment history cover's the client's lifetime treatment and is restricted to treatment for a DSM I diagnosis specified in Section I.
The youth must meet at least ONE of the criteria below:
(Functional criteria has been purposely narrowed to descriptors of the most serious levels of functional impairment and are not intended to reflect the full range of possible impairments.)
The youth must meet criteria for functional impairment in TWO of the following areas. The functional impairment must: 1) be the result of the mental health problems for which the child is or will be receiving care and 2) expected to persist in the absence of treatment.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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