PM 06-20-03: BCC Application Process

WAG 06-20-03

new textProcessing of BCC applications and maintenance of active cases is the responsibility of the HFS Breast and Cervical Cancer (BCC) Eligibility Unit in Springfield.

Persons may apply for BCC through an IBCCP lead agency or complete an application with the help of the medical provider who completed the screening and diagnosis of their condition. In the second situation, the medical provider would then submit the application to an IBCCP lead agency. When applying through an IBCCP lead agency, the IBCCP Eligibility Determination Form and HFS 3784BCC (Certification Form) are used.  Otherwise, Form HFS 2378BCX, Application for Health Benefits for Persons with Breast or Cervical Cancer, is used. HFS 2378BCX is available online at

The IBCCP lead agency determines whether the applicant meets the eligibility requirements, and forwards applications that meet the requirements to the central BCC Eligibility Unit for processing. The date of application is the date the signed application is received by the BCC Eligibility Unit.

BCC cases cannot be in spenddown or contain SNAP benefits. Item 15 of Form 552 can reflect SNAP benefits in another case. In this situation, a SNAP cross-reference number appears in Item 60.