Teen REACH Equipment Inventory Instructions & Form

Illinois Department of Human Services
Bureau of Youth Intervention Services

Teen REACH Policy & Procedure Manual

Section 9.0 - Appendices & Forms

Revised Date:July 2013

Teen Reach Equipment Inventory Instructions & Form

Please be advised the Illinois Administration Code requires that an inventory record of all equipment purchased from project funds must be maintained by a project for a period of three years. An inventory record must contain:

  • A description of the item.
  • Inventory identification (I.D.) Number. This can be a manufacturer's serial number or other I.D. number, but it must be permanently affixed to the item.
  • Acquisition date and cost.
  • From whom purchased.
  • Location and condition of the item. No property can be disposed of without prior written authorization of the Illinois Department of Human Services. Upon termination of a project, the equipment becomes the property of the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Your list should be cumulative, updated annually and available upon request.

Contractors who hold subcontracts need to pass on this information to those providers. 

Inventory Form

Links & Resources

Program administration and reporting forms, individual file forms, and general program information and resources, are available by calling the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services, Teen REACH at (217) 557-2109 and/or on the DHS Website at www.dhs.state.il.us.