Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Fact Sheet

Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL)
Bureau of Community-Based & Primary Prevention
Division of Community Health & Prevention
Illinois Department of Human Services

Program Description


Local law enforcement, college campuses, alcohol retailers, college-age youth, high school age youth.


The program supports the Basic and Advanced Alcohol Enforcement Law Enforcement courses, mini-grants to institutions of higher education, compliance checks throughout Illinois and in the City of Chicago to ensure retailers do not sell alcohol to minors and several other law enforcement operations designed to reduce underage drinking.


Local law enforcement operations are enhanced by providing additional manpower aimed at enforcing underage drinking laws. The enforcement operations focus on consumption/possession of alcohol by minors, sale of alcohol by minors and forged identification cards. The Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws University Initiative is a special project targeting two Illinois universities, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Eastern Illinois University. Each site is targeting underage drinking by implementing environmental strategies designed to reduce underage drinking amongst underage college students.

Delivery Method

Enforcement Efforts: Compliance checks conducted, bar ID checks, enforcing alcohol-related violations resulting from fraternity, sorority and tailgate parties, and deploying patrols during special high school and college events. Law enforcement trainings are conducted in a classroom style setting.

College campus mini-grants: College coalitions collect data and based off need select and implement best practice programs or strategies designed to reduce underage drinking.

Program Data

Program Expenditure (Numbers in 000's) $350.0 $350.0 $507.2 $300.8
Number of Grantees 4 4 4 4
Number Served 41,960 43,280 43,280 43,280

Program Effectiveness

  • The Chicago Police Department has increased the percent of liquor license holders who have not sold alcohol to a minor.
  • The Illinois State Police have increased the number of compliance checks conducted, DUI saturation patrols and party patrols.
  • The Illinois Higher Education Center increased the number of college campuses implementing best practice strategies to reduce underage drinking.
  • Prevention First, Inc. has increased the number of local law enforcement officers who are trained and certified in best practice law enforcement strategies to reduce underage drinking.