Day Services

What is the purpose of this service?

Day programs are offered to adults who have a developmental disability who live in residential settings as well as by themselves or with family.

These programs include purposeful and meaningful activities and are designed to help get skills, teach appropriate behavior and give more independence and personal choice. Programs may include daily living skills instruction, community outings, vocational training, employment opportunities and recreation.

How Do I Apply?

  1. The first and most important step you and your family can take to get help is to register with the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) database, the waiting list. To register, you must meet with an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC) for pre-admission screening to see if you are eligible for services.
  2. Search the DHS Office Locator for the ISC agency closest to you.  Next to "County," select your county. If you are in Cook County, you must select "Cook" and then use your zip code.  The agency that shows can help you learn more about the DD service system.