Bureau of Administrative Support

The mission of the Bureau of Administrative Support (BAS) is to ensure timely and accurate contracting and payment processes for the Divisions of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, and Rehabilitation Services. BAS views these four program offices, community based service providers, and Illinois citizens with disabilities as our primary customers.

To support its mission BAS is subdivided into two sections, Vouchering and Support Services. Even though these two sections have completely different functions they must work together to produce a complete product. From inception of a contract to the end of a contract staff work as a team to make sure that our customers experience little or no difficulty.

Voucher Section

Staff in this section prepare payment vouchers in CARS. This requires reviewing information pertaining to eight different types of payment systems generated by the four Program Divisions. Some, like the Grant payment systems requires that the payments are loaded into a payment schedule and then approved or modified as needed on a monthly basis. Others like the Purchase of Care payment systems require a review of information generated by a download into the CARS system. After review staff must approve the vouchers so that they can be moved to the next approval level.

In addition to the above duties staff provide invaluable technical assistance to all of our consumers. They resolve problems for individual consumers; explain payment level questions for contracted providers; and help Program Division staff manage their cash flow as the year progresses. They also work with the Office of Contract Administration in setting up contracts to assure a smooth payment process.

Support Services

Staff in this Section provide a number of services for the other sections in OCAPS and the four Program Divisions. It is their charge to provide whatever is technically needed to help the other entities perform their duties in a timely and efficient manner. They have helped provide data in an easy, accessible format; automated forms to help reduce the number of data entry errors; developed systems to collect data previously unavailable; and developed management reports. Staff also provide information for consumers via the intranet and internet and provide technical assistance users may need to access this information.

In closing, BAS will always strive for innovation and improved technology to promote better coordination along with greater efficiency in the performance of its duties and responsibilities. BAS will also continuously focus on improved performance and customer satisfaction as guiding principles to achieve its overall mission. Our greatest resource is a talented and dedicated work force whose knowledge and expertise provides a solid base for the overall implementation of the BAS mission.