4369C - Feeding Your Baby - Next Foods

State of Illinois
Department of Human Services

Next Foods

Baby News

Date: _____________________________________

My Name: _________________________________________________

Today's weight:__________ length: 

After today's visit, my goal will be...

New Foods You Can Feed Your Baby

  • Offer cooked, mashed or pureed protein-rich foods, like meats, egg yolks, beans, and lentils. (1-2 tablespoons a day.)
  • Your baby can practice picking up small pieces of finger foods. Try dry toast, crackers, dry breakfast cereal, or tortillas. You may also try plain mashed rice or barley, potatoes, and noodles. (Offer 4-6 tablespoons a day.)
  • Continue offering infant cereal (4-6 tablespoons a day) and pureed or mashed fruit and vegetables (3-4 tablespoons).
  • As you give your baby more food, remember that he still needs breast milk* every day (about 3-5 feedings per day).

When Feeding Foods High in Protein:

  • Add breast milk, formula or water to meat, and legumes to make them smooth.
  • You may offer 4-8 ounces of water a day in a cup.

Baby Food Meat

  • Offer your baby plain meat instead of mixed meat dinners. Plain meat has more protein and iron.
  • Make your own "dinners" by mixing plain, single ingredients, like vegetables, noodles

and meat.

*or infant formula

DHS 4369C (R-06-17) FYB - Next Foods Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois.  19,000 copies PO#17-1855