Planning and Evaluation

Planning and Evaluation supports and assists program development across the Division, including needs assessment, implementation, performance monitoring and evaluation.

About Planning and Evaluation

  • Staff assist the Bureaus and Programs in the preparation of applications for federal funds.
  • Staff supports the various programs with the respect to data analysis, evaluation, database and web-page design and maintenance, strategic plan development, geographic (GIS) mapping, and outcome reporting.
  • Staff prepare, generate, and maintain the Quarterly and Annual Provider Performance Reports and Quality Assurance Review Tools.  The quarterly reports track the performance of community providers throughout a fiscal year and are posted to the DHS web site. The quality assurance review tools are updated and maintained on the DHS web site for the utilization of Community Support Service Consultants and as a review tool for the community providers.
  • The unit serves as a liaison to the Office of Management Information Services (MIS) in the development, implementation and management of division-wide information systems.
  • The unit serves as a liaison to the DHS WebMaster and provides assistant and support to fellow Division Web Editors.
  • The unit serves as a DHS liaison regarding property control, MIS security, coordination of office/staff relocation, and equipment or supply requisitions.

Links & Resources


Mary Spriggs Ploessl, Bureau Chief

Jeff Peddycoart, Manager

815 East Monroe
Springfield, IL  62701
Phone:  217-524-3649
Fax:  217-557-0515