Youth Intervention Services

Youth Intervention Services

The Bureau of Youth Intervention Services invests in several intervention and diversionary programs targeting at-risk youth throughout the state in partnership with local communities and community based organizations intended to divert youth at risk of involvement in the child welfare and/or to divert youth at risk of involvement or further involvement in the juvenile justice system. Program models offer 24/7 crisis intervention services for youth and families, target medium and high risk youth, include comprehensive assessments, individualized case management services, etc. designed to:

  • to ensure the safety of youth
  • to reunify, stabilize and preserve families
  • to reduce homelessness among youth
  • to develop/increase the life skills in youth necessary to achieve self sufficiency
  • to reduce chronic truancy and academic failure
  • to increase employability skills, career development & employment for transition age youth
  • to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors in youth
  • to reduce the secure confinement of juveniles
  • to divert youth at risk of involvement in the child welfare system
  • and to divert youth at risk of involvement or further involvement in the juvenile justice system.

Boards and Commissions

Programs and Services