Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Job Placement

What is the purpose of this program?

To provide services to people who receive TANF, to address any barriers to employment, and to help TANF clients gain skills to obtain and retain unsubsidized employment.

Who can receive these services?

Unemployed or underemployed adults who receive TANF and who are not served by other employment and training programs.

What services does the program offer?

Participants are engaged in a variety of activities tailored to meet their individual needs, in order to address barriers to employment. Participants are placed in unsubsidized employment. Activities may include:

  • program orientation and assessment of needs and barriers;
  • case management and follow up;
  • referral to treatment and other community services based on need;
  • work experience (acclimates participants to the work place and prepares them to enter regular employment while they receive TANF);
  • vocational training;
  • community service;
  • on-the-job training;
  • education (GED/high school equivalency diploma), Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language);
  • job skills training (for example computer courses);
  • mentoring (career pathway development) and counseling; job search/job readiness
  • job retention services (job coaching and counseling, conflict-resolution, financial budgeting).

How are the services provided?

Through contractual agreements with community-based organizations. Participants are referred to service providers by the DHS Family Community Resource Center.

More Info & Resources

Use the DHS Office Locator to find your local Family Community Resource Center.