Resources of Transcription Services

Resources of Transcription Services for the Blind


  • American Printing House for the Blind
    1839 Frankfort Avenue
    Louisville, KY 40206
    (502) 895-2405 Voice
    (800) 223-1839 Toll-Free Customer Service
    Contact: Jack Decker, VP Production
    Services: Transcription service to braille, large print and taped materials. Any size order. Fee for services.
  • Blind Services Association
    17 N. State St, Suite 1050
    Chicago, IL 60602
    Contact: Sally Cooper (312) 236-0808 Voice (312) 236-8679 FAX
    Services: Provide taped materials and readers for one-on-one jobs
  • Braille Computer Center
    Boulder Public Library, P.O. Box Drawer H
    Boulder, CO 80306
    (303) 441-3098 Voice
    Contact: Donna Gartenmann
    Services: Transcription service to braille form print or WordPerfect 5.1 disk. Preference given to Colorado residents. Fee for services.
  • Braille, Inc.
    65 Town Hall Sq, Suite B
    East Falmouth, MA 02540
    (508) 540-0080 Voice
    Contact: Josie P. Little
    Services: Transcription service to braille. Specializes in manuals/complicated materials. Fee for services.
  • Braille Institute of America, Inc
    741 North Vermont Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90029
    (213) 663-1111 Voice
    Contact: Carol Jiminez
    Services: Transcription service to braille and audio tape. Use of volunteers. Fee for services.
  • Braille Transcribers Club of Illinois
    7240 North Overhill
    Chicago, IL 60631-4206
    (773) 774-6638 Voice
    Contact: Martha Williams
    Services: Transcription service of books to braille. Use of volunteers. Manual use of Perkins Brailler. Fee for services.
  • Central Blind Rehabilitation Center
    Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
    P.O. Box 5000 (EH)
    Hines, IL 60141
    (708) 202 2272 (Voice)
    (Fax) 708 202-7949 (Fax)
    Contact: Charles Brancheu, Supervisor, Living Skills
    Services: Transcription service to notes, learning aids to braille, large print, taking books/cassettes. Fee for services.
  • Central Iowa Center for Independent Living
    655 Walnut St
    Des Moines, IA 50309
    (515) 243-1742 Voice
    (515) 243-5385 FAX
    Services: Translate printed or computer text into braille in single or multiple copies. Use of volunteers
  • Free Library of Philadelphia (formerly Associated Service for the Blind)
    919 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    (215) 925-3213 Voice
    Services: Transcription service to braille, large print and taped materials. Any size order. Fee for services
  • Horizons for the Blind
    25 Erick St., Unit A103
    Crystal Lake, IL 60014
    (815) 444-8800 Voice/TTY
    Contact: Camille Cafferelli
    Services: Transcription service to braille, large print, and taped materials. Fee for services.
  • Illinois Instructional Materials Center
    1850 W. Roosevelt Road
    Chicago, IL 60608
    (312) 666-1331 Voice
    Contact: Barbara Perkis
    Services: Transcription of instructional materials to braille and large print. Fee for services.
  • Impact, Inc
    2735 East Broadway
    Alton, IL 62002
    (618) 462-1411 Voice
    Contact: Violet Evans and Rhonda Vargiel
    Services: Transcription service to braille, large print and taped materials
  • Johanna Bureau of the Blind
    8 South Michigan
    Chicago, IL 60603
    (312) 332-6076 Voice
    Contact: Edith Weiner
    Services: Transcription service to braille and tape. Fee for services.
  • Michigan Braille Transcribing Services
    Jackson Prison
    4000 Cooper Street
    Jackson, MI 49201
    (517) 788-7560 Voice
    Contact: Ralph Hoffmann
    Services: Transcription service of textbooks, math and computer-related materials to braille and audio tape. Use of inmate labor. Focus on textbook transcription. Fee for services
  • MSMT Braille Center
    651 Yolanda Avenue
    Santa Rosa, CA 95407
    (707) 579-1115 Voice
    Contact: Carolyn Colclough
    Services: Transcription service to braille from print, IBM disk or by modem. Estimated Fee fro service (minimum charge of $30 on all orders) with special prices for graphs, maps, charts, or diagrams.
  • National Braille Press
    88 St. Stephens Street
    Boston, MA 02115
    (888) 965-8965 Voice
    Contact: Eileen Curran and Lisa Ostrow
    Services: Transcription service to braille and large print. Not less than 50 copies. Fee for service
  • National Braille Association
    95 Allens Creek Road, Bldg 1, Suite 202
    Rochester, NY 14618
    (716) 473-8260 (Voice)
    Contact: Angela Coffaro
    Services: Transcription service to braille. Use of volunteers.
  • National Federation of the Blind of Utah
    1751 Park St.
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
    (801) 364-9007 (Voice) or (800) 876-9007
    Contact: Nick Schmittroth
    Services: Transcription service to braille. Use of volunteers. No large textbooks. Fee for service.
  • Peoria Area Blind People's Center, Inc.
    2905 West Garden Street
    Peoria, IL 61605
    (309) 637-3693 Voice
    Contact: Shirley Harlan
    Services: Transcription service to braille, talking books/cassettes, large-print books. Serve 40 mile radius of Peoria County courthouse. Fee for services.
  • Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library
    175 N Beacon St.
    Watertown, MA 02472
    (617) 972-7240 Voice
    Contact: Robert Pierson
    Services: Transcription service to braille and audio tape from print or Apple or IBM compatible computer disks; can transcribe math and computer-related materials. Use of volunteers. Priority given to student materials and work for professionals. Fee for services.
  • The Braille Dots Print Shop
    Illinois School for the Visually Impaired
    658 East State Street
    Jacksonville, IL 62650
    (217) 479-4430 Voice
    Contact: Brenda Stewart at ISVI
    Services: Produce large print or braille. Fee for services.
  • Verbal Ink
    2901 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 215
    Santa Monica, CA 90405
    (877) 9-VERBAL Voice
    Contact: Account Executive
    Services: Transcription service to audio tape.
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Division of Rehabilitation
    Education Services
    1207 South Oak Street
    Champaign, IL 61820
    (217) 333-4604 Voice
    Contact: Bryan McMurray, Supervisor, Services for Sensory Accommodations
    Services: Transcription service of textbooks and recreational material to braille, talking books/cassettes, large-print books. Fee for services


  • Lincolnland Architectural Graphics
    704 North 7th Street
    Riverton, IL 62561
    217-629-9009 Voice
    Contact: Craig Moore
    Services: Designs functional tactile signage. Fee for services.