Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification

Rodney Harris, PsyD, Bureau Chief

The Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification's (BALC) role is assuring that community agencies conform to established standards which indicate their appropriateness to be included as partners in achieving the Department's mission. Together we are "Guardians of the Public Trust".

As guardian of the public trust, BALC has a responsibility to the recipients of service, whether known as clients, customers or consumers to ensure to the best of its ability that those individuals are receiving services from community agencies that have been reviewed according to licensure or certification rules and determined to be meeting those standards. BALC also has a responsibility to the citizens of Illinois and the General Assembly, to ensure to the best of its ability that community agencies are meeting reasonable expectations of providing quality services. It falls to BALC to be the defensive line, protecting the recipients of service and those paying for those services from agencies not qualified to be partners in achieving the mission.

BALC functions within the following guiding principles. It continually assesses its progress and success by these principles.

  • Everyone with whom BALC works deserves to be treated with respect and consideration.
  • Standards which have been developed will be consistently, uniformly and fairly applied.
  • Agencies which do not meet standards and demonstrate inability or unwillingness to improve, will not be allowed to continue in this partnership.
  • Information will be shared with everyone within DHS who would benefit.
  • Timely processes are necessary to achieve the Department's mission.
  • BALC staff training is an integral component of continual improvement.
  • BALC documentation will justify its findings and recommendations.
  • BALC processes and procedures will facilitate improving the human condition.

We ensure these standards by performing the following tasks:

  • conducting licensure surveys of Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) programs. In accordance with Rule 115.;
  • conduct certification surveys of Community Day Services (CDS) programs. In accordance with Rule 119.;
  • Certify Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) programs and conduct certification reviews. In accordance with Rule 132.;
  • Monitor compliance with national accreditation requirements for community agencies funded by the Office of Developmental Disabilities or Office of Mental Health;

Contact Us

Direct questions about the BALC Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) licensure, Community Day Services (CDS) or Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) certification to dhs.balc@illinois.gov. Questions will be reviewed and answers will be returned.