Contacts For Services

For information regarding covered services, please access the Division of Developmental Disabilities' The Community Service Agreement and Program Manuals

For information regarding access services, individuals should contact their local Pre-Admission Screening Agents (PAS) or Independent Service Coordination (ISC) providers.  To contact these PAS/ISC agents us the DHS Office Locator

Region Structure

The Illinois developmental disabilities service system is divided into seven regions. This system provides a structure for communication, implementation and coordination of developmental disabilities programs.  State staff are assigned to each region, and service providers are also assigned based on their geographic service area.  Contact information is as follows:

Greater Illinois and Metro Regions

600 E Ash St., Bldg. 400, 2nd Fl. North
Springfield, IL 62703
Phone:  (217) 782-9320
Fax:  (217) 782-0012

401 S. Clinton St., 6th Fl. South
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone:  (312) 793-0455
Fax:  (312) 814-1191

Please see this List of Regions, with contact information of each Region Facilitator and Representative.  Counties serviced by each Region are also identified.