Bureau of Obligation Management

Vacant, Bureau Chief

Marie Myers, Supervisor

I. Responsibilities

  1. Process grants and purchase of care contracts, amendments, and modifications for all community service providers and programs. Examples of these programs include:
    • Alcohol and substance abuse treatment, and prevention; Developmental disabilities; programs; Mental illness programs; Rehabilitation, & vocational service programs for the disabled; Child Care; Donated Funds Initiative; Earnfare; Illinois Works; Refugee resettlement; Job Advantage, Work First, Job Placement, Emergency Food and Shelter, & Empowerment Zones; Youth services, Juvenile Justice, domestic violence, Parents Too Soon, WIC, Family Planning, Healthy Families, Early Intervention, delinquency prevention, adolescent health, Americorp, and Teen Reach.
  2. Process all contracts, amendments, and modifications for all business, operations, data processing, and professional and artistic services.
  3. Function as primary liaison between IDHS and the Office of Comptroller reconciling issues concerning grants, contracts, and other obligation issues.
  4. Maintain the sub-grantee procedures for the System Analysis Program/Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP/ERP).
  5. Maintain the official IDHS contract files including all contract approval forms.
  6. Analyze IDHS Provider Grant Reports for compliance with applicable federal, state and IDHS financial reporting requirements and identifying lapsed funds in accord with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act.
  7. Conduct hearings with community providers in accordance with 89 Ill Admin Code 511 regarding lapse fund recoveries.

If you have questions for the Bureau of Obligation Management, please write to DHS.OCA.AdminContracts@illinois.gov regarding Administrative Contracts or DHS.CSA.Support@illinois.gov regarding Grant Agreement and EEC Contracts..

If you have any questions or need more information about this page, please contact DHS.OCA.FinancialReporting@illinois.gov at (217) 785-9260 or (217) 524-0398.