Teen Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring, and Hope (Teen REACH)

Teen Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring and Hope (Teen REACH)

Goals: To provide a safe environment with caring adult role models that will work with youth to increase academic achievement and develop the life skills necessary for future success.

Outcome: Youth will be safe; youth will graduate from high school.

Program Description: Teen REACH (Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring, and Hope) is a comprehensive youth development initiative that provides after school program services to high-risk youth between the ages of 6 and 17.

Target Population: Youth targeted for the program are age 6-17 (minimum 70% are 11-17) and have one or more of the following Individual/Family Risk Factors: Youth living in a single-parent household; Youth residing in a household receiving TANF funds; Youth experiencing academic difficulties ; Youth is in danger of or has been previously held back to repeat one or more academic years; Youth experiencing truancy concerns; Youth is reported to have behavior issues; Youth is reported to be a victim of bullying; Youth is reported to be a perpetrator of bullying; Youth is unsupervised after school; Youth has witnessed or been a victim of family violence; Youth identifies as LGBTQ; Youth with siblings who dropped out of school; Youth with siblings who are teen parents; Youth with siblings who are involved in the juvenile justice system; Youth with one or both parents who are incarcerated; Youth with siblings who are gang involved; Youth is reported to be gang - involved; Youth in the DCFS system; Youth is homeless; Youth is pregnant ; Youth is parenting.

Activities: Teen REACH programs are open 240 days a year for at least 720 hours during the high risk critical after-school hours. The core services provided are:

  • Improving educational performance which includes time to do homework, tutoring in basic skills and enrichment programs that encourage creativity.
  • Life skills education which encompasses training and education that promotes the development of healthy lifestyles, and encourages abstinence from risk-taking behaviors in the areas of alcohol and/or substance abuse, criminal activity, violence and sexual activity.
  • Parental involvement so that parents and guardians have opportunities to meet with staff to discuss their children's activities and to participate in events that strengthen parent/child bonds and community involvement.
  • Recreation, sports, cultural and artistic activities and arranging safe outlets for youth to try new skills and develop new interests, to build friendships, find their place in a group, and gain developmentally relevant experiences.
  • Adult mentors who allow opportunities for participants to develop and maintain positive, sustained relationships with adults.
  • Service-Learning activities that connect classroom lessons with meaningful service to the community. Students build academic skills while strengthening communities through service.
  • STEM Learning Afterschool Applicants cultivate STEM curiosity in young people. Learning STEM skills better prepare students for school and future careers. These skills are useful in all careers, not just STEM careers.

Program Sites / Service Areas

In 2023 the Department funds 69 Teen REACH programs with 170 program sites. 41 providers are funded in Cook County with 51 program sites and 28 providers are funded outside of Cook County with 70 program sites. This includes the one statewide provider with 54 program sites.

2023 Program Analysis

  • 14,818 youth received Teen REACH services from 69 providers in 170 community program sites. 
  • 71% of youth served were 11-17 years of age at enrollment
  • 31% of youth served were Hispanic; 49% African American; 40% Caucasian; 3% Multiple Races; 1.2% other. 

2023 Performance Measures by Program Model

  • 95% of Teen REACH youth participating in the program 9 month or longer were promoted to the next grade level or graduated.
  • 98.24% of Teen REACH seniors participating in the program 9 month or longer graduated.
  • 98.4 of Teen REACH youth were safe from violence during program hours.

Provider Model (69 Providers and 170 Program Sites)

  1. 98.22% of Teen REACH youth participating in the program 9 months or longer were promoted to the next grade level or graduated
  2. 100% of Teen REACH seniors participating in the program 9 months or longer graduated
  3. 99.15% of Teen REACH youth were safe from violence during program hours
  4. 70.4% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved school attendance
  5. 64.69% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved grades
  6. 81.1% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved homework completion
  7. 87.46% of tracked Teen REACH youth demonstrated improved anger management/conflict resolution skills
  8. 86.87% of tracked Teen REACH youth demonstrated improved life skills
  9. 83.75% of participating youth/families completed a nutritional education program/curriculum
  10. 89.47% of Teen REACH youth served were 11-17 years old (Acceptable: 85%)
  11. 71% of projected average daily attendance was achieved (Acceptable: 70%) 
  12. 79% of projected youth attendance hours was achieved (Acceptable: 80%) 
  13. 84% of projected youth attendance hours was achieved (Acceptable: 80%)
  14. The average cost per youth per hour was $6.56 (Acceptable: $4.71)

Statewide Model (1 Provider and 54 Program Sites)

  1. 63% of Teen REACH youth participating in the program 9 months or longer were promoted to the next grade level or graduated
  2. 78% of Teen REACH seniors participating in the program 9 months or longer graduated
  3. 99% of Teen REACH youth were safe from violence during program hours
  4. 95% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved school attendance
  5. 95% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved grades
  6. 95% of tracked Teen REACH youth had improved homework completion
  7. 92% of tracked Teen REACH youth demonstrated improved anger management/conflict resolution skills
  8. 96% of tracked Teen REACH youth demonstrated improved life skills
  9. 62% of participating youth/families completed a nutritional education program/curriculum
  10. 67% of Teen REACH youth served were 11-17 years old (Acceptable: 85%)
  11. 77% of projected average daily attendance was achieved. 
  12. 84% of projected youth attendance hours was achieved. 
  13. The average cost per youth per hour was $4.67.  (Acceptable: $3.15)

FY23 Core Services Provided 

The table below provides a breakdown of the total number of hours youth spent in each core service area. Providers' record attendance every day for each youth by core service area and by number of minutes spent in each. Providers are required to provide service in each area. 

Core Service Area - Provider Model Hours in FY14 %
Academic Achievement 100,653 18%
Life Skills 69,008 12%
Positive Adult Mentors 83,757 15%
Parental Involvement 33,846 6%
Recreation, Sports, Cultural and Artistic Activities 156,246 27%
Service-Learning 22,746 4%
Non-core Services 31,352 6%
Paid Employment 724 4%
STEM 68,823 12%
YEEP 2,099 .37%
Total 468,601 100%
Core Service Area - Statewide Model Hours in FY23 %
Academic Achievement 36,471 20%
Life Skills 18,164 20%
Positive Adult Mentors 5,148 10%
Parental Involvement 15,962 9%
Recreation, Sports, Cultural and Artistic Activities 80,052 43%
Non-Core Services 5,619 3%
Service-Learning 1,998 1%
Paid Employment 771 .42%
Core Service Area - Provider Model Hours in FY23 %
STEM 20,358 11%
YEEP 86 .05%
Total 184,602 100%


Teen REACH Providers List (Program not Funded in FY16)

Teen REACH Program Standards

Teen REACH Logic Model

Quality Assurance Review Tools

Teen REACH Interactive Map