Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

A comprehensive set of community-based mental health and supportive services for adults with serious mental illnesses and a history of high use of inpatient services.


This intense service can help you if you are at a point where you have a high risk of frequent hospitalizations, jail or homelessness.  ACT is designed as a short term way to get you back on track toward your goals while staying in the community and to help you reach a less intense level of service.


Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a very specialized model of treatment/service delivery in which a multi-disciplinary TEAM assumes ultimate accountability for a small, defined caseload of seriously mentally ill (SMI) adults and becomes the single point of responsibility for that caseload. While encompassing a full range of case managment (CM) activities, ACT is NOT just an intensive form of assertive case management;  rather it is a unique treatment model in which the majority of mental health services are directly provided internally by the ACT program in the client's regular environment.

To Get Help

Contact the nearest Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) by

In life threatening, emergency or crisis situations call 911. Hospitals, police, and fire department personnel are trained responders to situations involving mental health issues.