What is the purpose of this service?
The Supportive Housing Program provides the necessary supportive services coupled with housing to enable formerly homeless individuals and families, or those in danger of becoming homeless obtain or maintain community-based housing. The program is designed to prevent people returning to or falling into homelessness. The supportive services must be needed for the homeless or formerly homeless individuals to function independently.
Who can receive these services?
Homeless people and those who are in danger of falling into homelessness can receive services.
What services are offered?
- Alcohol and substance abuse counseling
- Mental health programs
- Job training
- Transportation
- Child care
- Other services deemed necessary by the residents of transitional facilities, Single Room Occupancy (SRO) facilities and family developments.
- Case Management, Advocacy and Counseling are required services.
How are the services provided?
Services are usually delivered on site by local governments, community organizations and non-profit agencies.
See the Supportive Housing Provider Listing.