Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP)

Need Help Now?

Domestic Violence Helpline:

  • 1-877-TO END DV or 1-877-863-6338 (Voice)
  • 1-877-863-6339 (TTY)

The helpline is toll-free, multilingual, and confidential. It is available 24-hours a day, 7days-a-week.

What is the purpose of this service?

To provide education to individuals who cause harm in order to reduce and prevent domestic violence.

Who can receive these services?

Individuals may volunteer or be court ordered to attend a Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP).

PAIP provides services for people who control their partner with:

  • physical abuse,
  • emotional abuse,
  • sexual abuse, or
  • economical abuse, such as controlling finances

What services are offered?

These services are provided to try to stop abuse, by helping abusers:

  • Address violent and abusive behavior
  • Accept responsibility for abusive behavior
  • Modify abusive attitudes and beliefs
  • Provide tools to become and remain, healthy, non=abusive partners and parents

How to apply?

Call the State of Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline at:
1-877-TO END DV (877-863-6338) or 1-877-863-6339 (TTY)

Individuals who cause harm may volunteer by contacting a PAIP provider or may be court ordered to attend a Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP).