Odell Thompson, Jr.

Odell Thompson, Jr. was appointed Inspector General by then Governor George Ryan in July 2000. Like IG Fischer earlier, IG Thompson brought to the Office experience in law enforcement, having working in command and leadership positions in the Illinois State Police. During his leadership and tenure, the Office grew in both professionalism and resources. Further, shortly before he started, the Governor and General Assembly expanded the responsibilities of the Office to investigating domestic abuse, neglect, and exploitation in domestic settings.  IG Thompson was Inspector General from July 1, 2000, through February 2003.


Inspector General Thompson's accomplishments included:

  • A Vision Statement and an updated Mission Statement;
  • A comprehensive database allowing direct entry during Hotline intake and an case management system;
  • Reduction of case backlog;
  • Focusing on abuse and neglect allegations, rather than reviewing even accidental serious injuries;
  • Development and implementation of a standardized community agency investigative protocol;
  • Expansion of Adults with Disabilities Domestic Abuse Intervention Program; and
  • Revision of Rule 50 to address operating improvements and new Nurse Aide Registry reporting requirements;
  • Continued focus on professionalism of OIG investigators:
    • A new OIG Directives Manual;
    • Expanded in-service training for investigators; and
    • Implementation of the new investigative report format.