Information Memo: Illinois Health Connect Client Enrollment Materials

Information Memo: Illinois Health Connect Client Enrollment Materials


  • Implementation of mandatory participation in Illinois Health Connect for clients required to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP) has begun.
  • In the Voluntary Managed Care (VMC) Counties, HFS has contracted with Automated Health Systems (AHS) to be the Illinois Client Enrollment Broker (ICEB).
  • Enrollment and choice education materials were mailed to eligible clients who must choose a PCP, that began February 2007.
  • Enrollment and choice education materials explain the client's health care choices, how to pick a PCP, the timeframe for making their health care choices, and how to enroll.
  • Clients are able to enroll through Illinois Health Connect or the Illinois Client Enrollment Broker online, by phone, by mail or by contacting an AHS representative at certain FCRCs.
  • If eligible clients do not pick a PCP, they will be assigned to a PCP and health plan, if applicable.