Guiding Principles of Recovery (SAMHSA)

Principle Explanation
Hope The belief that recovery is REAL. Hope is internalized and fostered by others, and it is the catalyst of the recovery process.
Person-Driven Individuals define their own life goals and design their unique paths toward these goals.
Many Pathways Recovery pathways are highly personalized. Recovery is non-linear, characterized by continual growth, and occasional setbacks.
Holistic Recovery encompasses an individual's whole life, including mind, body, spirit, and community.  The array of services and supports available should be integrated and coordinated.
Peer Support Peers encourage and engage other peers and provide each other with a vital sense of belonging, supportive relationships, valued roles, and community.
Relational Recovery is supported by the presence and involvement of people who believe in the person's ability to recover; who offer hope, support, and encouragement.
Culture Values, traditions, and beliefs are key in determining a person's journey and unique pathway to recovery.
Trauma-Informed Services and supports should be trauma-informed to foster safety and trust; this promotes choice, empowerment, and collaboration.
Strengths & Responsibilities Individuals, families, and communities have strengths and resources that serve as a foundation for recovery. Individuals have a personal responsibility for their own self-care and journeys of recovery. Families have responsibilities to support their loved ones in recovery and stay well themselves. Communities have responsibilities to provide opportunities and resources to address discrimination and to foster social inclusion and recovery.
Respect Acceptance and appreciation for people affected by mental health and substance use challenges are crucial to achieve recovery. Self-acceptance, developing a positive and meaningful sense of identity, and regaining belief in one's self are also important.