MR #07.01: AABD Grant Adjustments and Rate Increases

MR #07.01: AABD Grant Adjustments and Rate Increases


  • The Grant Adjustment and the Sheltered, Personal, and Nursing Care allowances are being increased due to the 2007 3.3% SSI cost of living increase.
  • The Grant Adjustment allowance is increased by $20.00 to $444.90 effective 03/01/07. Use the new amount for any AABD Cash case approved on or after 02/20/07.
  • The Sheltered, Personal, and Nursing Care allowances are increased by $20.00 effective 03/01/07. Use the new amounts for any AABD Cash case approved on or after 02/20/07.
  • The system will centrally change the Grant Adjustment and the Sheltered, Personal, or Nursing Care allowance for all AABD Cash cases on the regular rolls for March 2007.
  • For AABD medical clients receiving sheltered care, or personal or nursing care in a home not subject to licensing, use the increased rates as follows:
    • At Intake, for all determinations made for 03/07 or later.
    • For active cases, at the next redetermination of eligibility, whenever income or assets are recalculated, or whenever medical expenses are presented to meet spenddown 03/07.