PM 19-07-04: REDE Process for Mid-Point Reporting Units

WAG 19-07-04.

new manual textIES Phase 2 Process

  • Cases in Mid-Point Reporting are redetermined every 12-months. The REDE application is generated by IES when the SNAP redetermination of benefits is due.
  • A REDE may be submitted through IES ABE Manage My Case (MMC), or if a paper application is completed, mailed or hand delivery to the local office.
  • A completed redetermination application is due to the local office by the 1st day of the last fiscal month in the approval period.
  • All SNAP redeterminations require a face-to-face interview. For SNAP units containing a unit member who is employed, schedule a phone interview instead of a face-to-face interview at the Family Community Resource Center, unless the SNAP unit requests a face-to-face interview. If the SNAP unit requests a face-to-face interview conduct one. See PM 02-06-01-b for exceptions to waiving the face-to-face interview.
  • Upon approval for the regular roll month, the case is approved in Mid-Point Reporting status and assigned a 12-month approval period.

Note: The Auto-REDE process (A) does not apply to Cash or SNAP.

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NOTE: For processing redeterminations on TANF Earned Income cases without SNAP benefits, see PM 19-02-01-c.

Timely REDE Application

If a SNAP unit files a timely SNAP REDE application, provide benefits for the new approval period by the unit's usual benefit availability date.

Do not extend the approval period without a new application or request.

Note: Mid-Point Reporting units are also required to complete an interim Mid-Point Report form in the 6th month of their 12-month approval period. A Mid-Point Report form is generated in the 5th month of the approval period.