Policy Memo: Link Card and PIN Issuance Documentation

Policy Memo: Link Card and PIN Issuance Documentation


  • Effective 06/01/06 procedures are introduced to account for daily Link Card and PIN issuances.
  • Continue to complete Illinois Link Card/PIN Issuance Form (Form 3658) for each customer-related Link action.  Also complete the appropriate log sheet and attach Form 3658 to the corresponding log sheet.
  • When issuing a Link card, complete 'Card and PIN/PCN Issuance' (card log sheet) which is provided by the EBT contractor with each shipment of Link cards.  Attach Form 3658. (wpd)
  • When issuing a PIN Packet, complete 'PIN Packet Issuance' (wpd) (PIN Packet log sheet) to be provided by the EBT contractor with each shipment of PIN packets.  If the PIN packet is issued at the same time as a Link card, Form 3658 stays with the card log sheet.  If the PIN packet is issued to change the PIN without issuing a Link card, attach Form 3658 to the PIN packet log sheet.
  • When the customer uses the Point of Sale (POS) terminal to change their PIN without issuing a Link card, complete POS PIN CHANGE LOG (Form 4588). Attach Form 3658.